Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/16

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985




99-226 99-227

99-228 99-229 f-*T. 99-230 99-231 99-232 99-233 99-234 99-235 99-236

99-237 99-238 99-239 99-240



To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 To provide for temporary family housing or temporary housing allowances for dependents of members of the Armed Forces who die on or after December 12, 1985, and for other purposes. To amend title 25, United States Code, relating to Indian education programs, and for other purposes. To authorize the Architect of the Capitol and the Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with the Chief Justice of the United States, to study alternatives for construction of a building adjacent to Union Station in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. To change the date for transmittal of a report To designate the year of 1986 as the "Sesquicentennial Year of the National Library of Medicine". To designate the week of January 26, 1986, to February 1, 1986, as "Truck and Bus Safety Week". Relative to the convening of the second session of the Ninety-ninth Congress. Federal Civilian Employee and Contractor Travel Expenses Act of 1985. To amend section 504 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act to promote the development of mineral wealth in Alaska. To designate the General Services Administration building known as the "United States Appraiser's Stores Building" in Boston, Massachusetts as the "Captain John Foster Williams Coast Guard Building". To designate the week of December 1, 1985, through December 7, 1985, as "National Autism Week". Veterans' Compensation Rate Increase and Job Training Amendments of 1985. Compact of Free Association Act of 1985 To amend the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act to improve procedures for the implementation of compacts providing for the establishment and operation of regional disposal facilities for low-level radioactive waste; to grant the consent of the Congress to certain interstate compacts on low-level radioactive waste; and for other purposes.



Dec. 28, 1985 Dec. 28, 1985

1744 1745

Dec. 28, 1985


Dec. 28, 1985


Dec. Dec. 28, 1985 Dec. 28, 1985


1751 1752

Dec. 28 1985


Dec. 28, 1985


Jan. 2, 1986


Jan. 9, 1986


Jan. 9, 1986


Jan. 13, 1986


Jan. 13, 1986


Jan. Jan. 14, 1986 Jan. 15, 1986

. . , .

1770 1842