Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/515

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-198—DEC. 23, 1985

99 STAT. 1625

their products or false or unwarranted statements with respect to attributes or use of any competing products; (3) no funds collected by the Board shall in any manner be used for the purpose of influencing governmental policy or action, except as provided by subsections (b)(4) and (f); and (4) assessments shall be made on watermelons produced by producers and watermelons handled by handlers, and the rate of such assessments shall be the same, on a per-unit basis, for producers and handlers. If a person performs both producing and handling functions, both assessments shall be paid by such person. (h) The plan shall provide that, notwithstanding any other provisions of this subtitle, any watermelon producer or handler against whose watermelons an assessment is made and collected under this subtitle and who is not in favor of supporting the research, development, advertising, and promotion program provided for under this subtitle shall have the right to demand a refund of the assessment from the Board, under regulations, and on a form and within a time period (not less than 90 days), prescribed by the Board and approved by the Secretary. A producer or handler who timely makes demand in accord with the regulations, on submission of proof satisfactory to the Board that the producer or handler paid the assessment for which the refund is sought, shall receive such refund within 60 days after demand therefor. (i) The plan shall provide that the Board, subject to the provisions of subsections (e), (f), and (g), shall develop and submit to the Secretary, for the Secretary's approval, any research, development, advertising, or promotion program or project, and that a program or project must be approved by the Secretary before becoming effective. (j) The plan shall provide the Board with authority to enter into contracts or agreements, with the approval of the Secretary, for the development and carrying out of research, development, advertising, or promotion programs or projects, and the payment of the cost thereof with funds collected under this subtitle. (k) The plan shall provide that the Board shall (1) maintain books and records, (2) prepare and submit to the Secretary such reports from time to time as may be prescribed for appropriate accounting with respect to the receipt and disbursement of funds entrusted to it, and (3) cause a complete audit report to be submitted to the Secretary at the end of each fiscal period.






SEC. 1648. (a) Any plan issued under this subtitle may contain one 7 USC 4907. or more of the terms and provisions described in this section, but except as provided in section 1647 no others. Ante, p. 1624. (b) The plan may provide for the exemption, from the provisions of the plan, of watermelons used for nonfood uses, and authority for the Board to establish satisfactory safeguards against improper use of such exemption. (c) The plan may provide for the designation of different handler payment and reporting schedules with respect to assessments, as provided for in sections 1647 and 1649, to recognize differences in Post, p. 1626. marketing practices and procedures used in different production areas.