Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/565

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-204—DEC. 23, 1985 "(C) the impact such production will have on the production of similar products in the United States with regard to both domestic sales and exports. "(2) Each report required by this subsection shall be based on an analysis of each of the projects described in paragraph (1). The reports may, however, present information and an^ysis in aggregate form, but only if—• "(A) those projects which are projected to have a positive effect on employment in the United States and those projects which are projected to have a negative effect on employment in the United States are grouped separately; and "(B) there is set forth for each such grouping the key characteristics of the projects within that grouping, including the number of projects in each economic sector, the countries in which the projects in each economic sector are located, and the projected level of the impact of the projects in each economic sector on employment in the United States and on United States trade. "(c)(1) Not later than December 31, 1987, the Corporation shall submit to the Congress a report analyzing the actual effects, as of September 30, 1986, on employment in the United States of all projects with respect to which any insurance, reinsurance, or guaranty issued by the Corporation was in effect on September 30, 1986, or with respect to which repayments on direct loans by the Corporation were being made as of that date. The report shall set forth— "(A) the amount of United States exports generated by those projects during each fiscal year, "(B) to the extent feasible, the final destination of the products produced each fiscal year as a result of those projects, and "(C) the impact of such production on the production of similar products in the United States during each fiscal year with regard to both domestic sales and exports. "(2) In preparing this report, the Corporation shall collect factual data for each of the projects described in paragraph (1). The report may, however, present this information and the analysis of this information in aggregate form, but only if— "(A) those projects which have a positive effect on employment in the United States and those projects which have a negative effect on employment in the United States are grouped separately; and "(B) there is set forth for each such grouping the key characteristics of the projects within that grouping, including the number of projects in each economic sector, the countries in which the projects in each economic sector are located, and the impact of the projects in each economic sector on the level of employment in the United States and on the United States trade balance. "(3) The Corporation shall consult with the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate in determining the methodology to be used in acquiring the information and in doing the analysis necessary to prepare the report required by this subsection, including identification of which projects should be analyzed. To facilitate this consultation, the Corporation shall submit to those committees by September 30, 1986, a written description of its proposed methodology, including its proposed methodology with respect to determining final destinations.

99 STAT. 1675 Exports.

Commerce and trade.

Reports. Loans.


Commerce and trade.