Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/677

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-239—JAN. 14, 1986

99 STAT. 1787

audit conducted by or on behalf of the Government of the United States. In this connection, the Comptroller General shall have access to such personnel and to such records, documents, working papers, automated data and files, and other information relevant to such review. (2) G A G ACCESS TO RECORDS.—

(A) In carrying out paragraph (1), the Comptroller General (and his duly authorized representatives) shall have such access to the personnel and (without cost) to records, documents, working papers, automated data and files, and other information relevant to such audits. The Comptroller General may duplicate any such records, documents, working papers, automated data and files, or other information relevant to such audits. (B) Such records, documents, working papers, automated data and files, and other information regarding each such grant or other assistance shall be maintained for at least three years after the date such grant or assistance was provided and in a manner that permits such grants, assistance, and payments to be accounted for distinct from any other funds of the Government of the Marshall Islands. (3) REPRESENTATIVESTATUS FOR GAO REPRESENTATIVES.—The

Comptroller General and his duly authorized representatives shall be accorded the status set forth in Article V of Title One of the Compact. (4) ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.—As part of the annual report submitted by the Government of the Marshall Islands under section 211 of the Compact, the Government shall include Post, p. 1813. annual financial statements which account for the use of all of the funds provided by the Government of the United States to the Government under the Compact or otherwise. Such financial statements shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures, except as may otherwise be mutually agreed. Not later than 180 days after the end of the United States fiscal year with respect to which such funds were provided, each such statement shall be submitted to the President for audit and transmission to the Congress. (5) DEFINITION OF AUDITS.—As used in this subsection, the term "audits" includes financial, program, and management audits, including determining— (A) whether the Government of the Marshall Islands has met the requirements set forth in the Compact, or any related agreement entered into under the Compact, regarding the purposes for which such grants and other assistance are to be used; and (B) the propriety of the financial transactions of the Government of the Marshall Islands pursuant to such grants or assistance. (6) COOPERATION BY MARSHALL ISLANDS.—The Government of the Marshall Islands will cooperate fully with the Comptroller General of the United States in the conduct of such audits as the Comptroller General determines necessary to enable the Comptroller General to fully discharge his responsibilities under this joint resolution.