Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/688

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

STAT. 1798

18 USC 207.

48 USC 1681 note. 48 USC 1681 note.

90 Stat. 263.

PUBLIC LAW 99-239—JAN. 14, 1986

Negotiations or who is or was an officer or employee of the Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations or who is or was assigned or detailed to that Office or who served on the Micronesia Interagency Group, except that for the purposes of this section, clauses (i) and (ii) of section 207(b) of such title shall read as follows: "(i) having been so employed, within three years after his employment has ceased, knowingly acts as agent or attorney for, or otherwise represents, any other person (except the United States), in any formal or informal appearance before, or, with the intent to influence, makes any oral or written communication on behalf of any other person (except the United States) to, or (ii) having been so employed and as specified in subsection (d) of this section, within three years after his employment has ceased, knowingly represents or aids, counsels, advises, consults, or assists in representing any other person (except the United States) by personal presence at any formal or informal appearance before—". (b) TERMINATION.—Effective upon the date of the termination of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands with respect to Palau, the Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations is abolished and no department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States shall thereafter contribute funds for the support of such Office. SEC. 108. TRANSITIONAL IMMIGRATION RULES.

(a) CITIZEN OF NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS.—Any person who is a citizen of the Northern Mariana Islands, as that term is defined in section 24(b) of the Act of December 8, 1983 (97 Stat. 1465), is considered a citizen of the United States for purposes of entry into, permanent residence, and employment in the United States and its territories and possessions. (b) TERMINATION.—The provisions of this section shall cease to be effective when section 301 of the Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union With the United States (Public Law 94-241) becomes effective pursuant to section 1003(c) of the Covenant.

48 USC 1681 note. Prohibitions.


48 USC 1681 note. President of U.S.


Ante, pp. 1775, 1778.

No payment may be made pursuant to the Compact nor under any provision of this joint resolution prior to October 1, 1985. (a) TRANSMISSION OF ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT.—Upon re-

ceipt of the annual financial statement described in sections 102(c)(4) and 103(m)(4), the President shall promptly transmit a copy of such statement to the Congress. (b) ANNUAL AUDITS BY THE PRESIDENT.—(1) The President shall cause an annual audit to be conducted of the annual financial statements described in sections 102(c)(4) and 103(m)(4). Such audit shall be conducted in accordance with the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards promulgated by the Comptroller General of the United States. Such audit shall be submitted to the Congress not later than 180 days after the end of the United States fiscal year. (2) The President shall develop and implement procedures to carry out such audits. Such procedures shall include the matters described in sections 102(c)(2) and 103(m)(2) of this title.