Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/777

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-240—JAN. 15, 1986

99 STAT. 1887

"c) Party states or generators may negotiate for the right of access to a facility outside the region and may export waste outside the region subject to Commission approval under Article Ill(i)(l). "d) To the extent permitted by federal law, each party state may enforce any applicable federal and state laws, regulations and rules pertaining to the packaging and transportation of waste generated within or passing through its borders. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to require a party state to enter into any agreement with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. "e) Each party state shall provide to the Commission any data and information the Commission requires to implement its responsibilities. Each party state shall establish the capability to obtain any data and information required by the Commission. "f) Waste originating from the Maxey Flats nuclear waste disposal site in Fleming County, Kentucky shall not be shipped to the regional facility for storage, treatment or disposal. Disposition of these wastes shall be the sole responsibility of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and shall not be subject to the provisions of this compact.


Regulations. Transportation. Prohibition. Contracts.

Kentucky. Prohibition.

"ARTICLE VI. DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION OF FACILITIES "a) Any party state may volunteer to become a host state, and the Commission may designate that state as a host state. "b) If all regional facilities required by the regional management plan are not developed pursuant to Section (a), or upon notification that an existing regional facility will be closed, the Commission may designate a host state. "c) A party state shall not be selected as a host state for any regional facility unless that state's total volume of waste recorded on low-level radioactive waste manifests for any year is more than 10 percent of the total volume recorded on such manifests for the region during the same year. In determining the 10 percent exclusion, there shall not be included waste recorded on low-level radioactive waste manifests by a person whose principal business is providing a service by arranging for the collection, transportation, treatment, storage or disposal of such waste. "d) Each party state designated as a host state is responsible for determining possible facility locations within its borders. The selection of a facility site shall not conflict with applicable federal and host state laws, regulations and rules not inconsistent with this compact and shall be based on factors including, but not limited to, geological, environmental, engineering and economic viability of possible facility locations.

    • e) Any party state designated as a host state may request the

Commission to relieve that state of the responsibility to serve as a host state. The Commission may relieve a party state of this responsibility only upon a showing by the requesting party state that no feasible potential regional facility site of the type it is designated to host exists within its borders. "f) After a state is designated a host state by the Commission, it is responsible for the timely development and operation of a regional facility. "g) To the extent permitted by federal and state law, a host state shall regulate and license any facility within its borders and ensure the extended care of that facility.

