Page:Unity of Good.djvu/17

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Caution in the Truth.

the marvellous unity of man with God, shadowed forth in Scientific thought. Rather let the stately- goings of this wonderful part of Truth be left to the supernal guidance.

“These are but parts of Thy ways,” says Job; and the whole is greater than its parts. Our present understanding is but “the seed within itself,” for it is Divine Science, “bearing fruit after its kind.”

Sooner or later the whole human race will learn that, in proportion as the spotless selfhood of God is understood, human nature will be renovated, and man will receive a higher selfhood, derived from God, and the redemption of mortals from sin, sickness, and death be established on everlasting foundations.

The Science of physical harmony, as now presented to the people in Divine Light, is radical enough to promote as forcible collisions of thought as the age has strength to bear. Until the heavenly law of health, according to Christian Science, is firmly grounded, even the thinkers are not prepared to answer intelligently leading questions about God and sin, and the world is far from ready to assimilate such a grand and all-absorbing verity