Page:Unity of Good.djvu/41

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A Colloquy.

you, oh Good, deny this, then I deny your truthfulness. If you say that matter is unconscious, you stultify my intellect, insult my conscience, and dispute self-evident facts; for nothing can be clearer than the testimony of the five senses.

Good. Spirit is the only Substance. Spirit is God, and God is Good; hence Good is the only Substance, the only Mind. Mind is not, can not be, in matter. It sees, hears, feels, tastes, smells as mind, and not as matter. Matter can not talk; and hence, whatever it appears to say of itself is a lie. This lie, that Mind can be in matter, — claiming to be something beside God, denying Truth and its demonstration in Christian Science, — this lie I declare an illusion. This denial enlarges the human intellect, by removing its evidence from sense to Soul, and from finiteness into Infinity. It honors conscious human individuality, by showing God as its source.

Evil. I am a creator, — but upon a material, not a spiritual basis. I give life, and I can destroy life.