Page:Unity of Good.djvu/52

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Unity of Good.

testify; and if it is mind, it is certainly not the Mind of Christ, not the Mind that is identical with Truth.

Brain, thus assuming to testify, is only matter within the skull, and is believed to be mind, only through error and delusion. Examine that form of matter called brains, and you find no mind therein. Hence the logical sequence, that there is in reality neither matter nor mortal mind, but that the self-testimony of the physical senses is false.

Examine these witnesses for error, or falsity, and observe the foundations of their testimony, and you will find them divided in evidence, mocking the Scripture (Matthew xviii. i6), “In the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established.”

Sight. Mortal mind declares that matter sees, through the organizations of matter, or that mind sees by means of matter. Disorganize the so-called material structure, and then mortal mind says: “I can not see;” and declares that matter is the master of mind, and that non-intelligence governs. Mortal mind admits that it sees only material images, pictured on the eye's retina.

What then is the line of the syllogism? It must