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Unity of Good.

personality, is illusive and mortal; but the good attendant upon spiritual individuality is immortal. Existing here and now, this unseen individuality is real and eternal. The so-called material senses, and the mortal mind which is misnamed man, take no cognizance of spiritual individuality, which manifests Immortality, whose Principle is God.

To God alone belong the indisputable realities of Being. Death is a contradiction of Life, or God; therefore it is not in accordance with His law, but antagonistic thereto.

Death then is error, opposed to Truth, — even the unreality of mortal mind, not the reality of that Mind which is Life. Error has no Life, and is virtually without existence. Life is real; and all is real which proceeds from Life and is inseparable from it.

It is unchristian to believe in the transition called material death, since matter has no Life, and such misbelief must enthrone another power, an imaginary Life, above the living and true God. A material sense of Life robs God, by declaring that not He alone is Life, but that something else also is Life, — thus affirming the existence and rulership of more