Page:Unity of Good.djvu/66

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Personal Statements.

MANY misrepresentations are made concerning myself and my doctrines, some of which are as unkind and unjust as they are untrue; but I can only repeat the Master's words: “They know not what they do.”

The foundations of these assertions, like the structure raised thereupon, are vain shadows, repeating — if the popular couplet may be so paraphrased —

The old, old story,
Of Satan and his lie.

In the days of Eden, humanity was misled by a false personality, — a talking snake, — according to Biblical history. This pretender taught the opposite of Truth. This abortive ego, this fable of error, is laid bare in Christian Science.

Human theories call, or miscall, this evil a Child of God. Philosophy would multiply and subdivide personality into everything that exists, whether expressive or not expressive of the Mind which is God. Human wisdom says of evil, “The Lord knows it!”