Page:Unity of Good.djvu/72

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Unity of Good.

Standing in no basic Truth, we make “the worse appear the better reason,” and the unreal masquerades as the real, in our thought.

Evil is without Principle. Being destitute of Principle, it is devoid of Science. Hence it is undemonstrable, without proof. This gives me a clearer right to call evil a negation, than to affirm it to be something which God sees and knows, but which He straightway commands mortals to shun or relinquish, less it destroy them. This notion of the destructibility of Mind implies the possibility of its defilement; but how can Infinite Mind be defiled?

Do you believe in Matter?

I believe in matter, only as I believe in evil, that it is something to be denied and destroyed to human consciousness, and is unknown to the Divine. We should watch and pray that we enter not into the temptation of Pantheistic belief in matter as sensible mind. We should subjugate it as Jesus did, by a dominant understanding of Spirit.

At best, matter is only a phenomenon of mortal mind, of which evil is the highest degree; but really there is no such thing as mortal mind, — though we