Page:Unity of Good.djvu/79

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Suffering from Others' Thoughts.

JESUS accepted the one fact whereby alone the rule of Life can be demonstrated, — namely, that there is no death.

In his own body he bore no infirmities. Though “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,” as Isaiah says of him, he bore not his sins, but ours, “in his own body on the tree.” “He was bruised for our iniquities, and by his stripes we are healed.”

He was the Way; and Christian Scientists, who would demonstrate the Way, must keep close to his path, that they may win the prize. The Way, in the flesh, is the suffering which leads out of the flesh. The Way, in Spirit, is the Way of Life, Truth, and Love, redeeming us from the false sense of the flesh, and the wounds it bears. This threefold Messiah reveals the self-destroying ways of error, and the Life-giving Way of Truth.

Job's faith and hope gained him the assurance that by the sufferings of the flesh he should learn how false are the pleasures and pains of material sense,