Page:Unity of Good.djvu/88

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Unity of Good.

God, Good, is never absent, and there is none beside Good. Mortals can understand this only as they reach the Life of Good, and learn that there is no Life in evil. Then shall it appear that the true ideal of omnipotent and ever-present Good is an ideal wherein and wherefor there is no evil. Sin exists only as a sense, and not as Soul. Destroy this sense of sin, and sin disappears. Sickness, sin, and death are the false senses of Life and Good. Destroy this Trinity of error, and you find Truth.

In Science, Christ never died. In sense Jesus died, and lives again. The fleshly Jesus seemed to die, though he did not. The Truth of Life in Divine Science — undisturbed by human error, sin, and death — saith forever, “I am the living God, and man is My idea, never in matter, nor resurrected from it. Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen” (Luke xxiv. 5, 6). Mortal sense, confining itself to matter, is all that can be buried or resurrected.

Mary had risen to discern faintly God's ever-presence, and that of His idea, man; but her mortal sense, reversing Science and spiritual understanding, interpreted this appearing as a risen Christ.