Page:University of Calcutta Special Convocation Address 1921.djvu/17

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After H. R. H. had received the Degree, he spoke as follows:

Your Excellency, Mr. Vice-Chancellor, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I thank you for the very high honour which you have conferred on me by granting me an honorary degree of your University.

My father, His Imperial Majesty the King Emperor, received this honour at your hands in 1906, and six years later recalled the pleasure which the ceremony had afforded to him, in his reply to a loyal address presented to him by the representatives of your University.

On the latter occasion His Majesty dwelt on the high ideals which should animate Universities in India, and in his confidence that the labours of your governing body would be inspired by those noble standards and that you would shoulder your high responsibilities with a courage which would command success. At the same time His Majesty’s deep interest in the cause of education was shown by his special commands to his Governor General regarding the expansion and improvement of education generally in India.