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collateral line, are sanctioned "by an express order of the Divine Will"—an order obliging not only the Jews, "but all mankind"—is it not apparent that the learned Judge has really "no foundation" for his assertion?[1]

Now, in opposition to the Puritan's list of distinguished men "who have plead for the lawfulness of such marriages," (p. 23,) we place all the Reformers, the celebrated Divines of the Lutheran Church, the Synod of Dort, the National Synod of France, the Westminster Assembly, the Church of Scotland, the Church of England, &c. &c.

7. But all will not avail us. The unlawfulness of the marriage of a man with his deceased wife's sister, has a Popish origin, and the Protestant Church has not been able to free herself from the error to this day. (See the Puritan, p. 22, second paragraph and p. 23, first par.) Grotius states that Primitive Christians regarded the Levitical degrees as binding on the Church, (see above, p. 36, 37,) and the Puritan

  1. De Jure Belli et Pacis, lib. ii. chap. 5, § 13, 14. J. Barbeyrac's trans.