Page:Völsunga Saga (1888).djvu/308

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Sorli and Hamdir,
Here in my hall!
Then with bowstrings
Would I bind them,
And hang the good Giukings
Aloft on the gallows!”

Then spake Hrothglod
From off the high steps,
Spake the slim-fingered
Unto her son,—
—For a threat was cast forth
Of what ne’er should fall—
“Shall two men alone
Two hundred Gothfolk
Bind or bear down
In the midst of their burg?”

Strife and din in the hall,
Cups smitten asunder
Men lay low in blood
From the breasts of Goths flowing.

Then spake Hamdir,
The high-hearted:
“Thou cravedst, O king,
For the coming of us,