Page:Völsunga Saga (1888).djvu/315

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Such a thing, saidst thou,
Should fall out never,
For any may
Save for me alone.”

Mind had the damsel
Of the weary day
Whenas the high lords
Dealt out the heritage,
And she sat her down,
The sorrowful woman,
To tell of the bale,
And the heavy trouble.

“Nourished was I
In the hall of kings—
Most folk were glad—
’Mid the council of great ones:
In fair life lived I,
And the wealth of my father
For five winters only,
While yet he had life.

“Such were the last words
That ever he spake,
The king forewearied,
Ere his ways he went;
For he bade folk give me
The gold red-gleaming,
And give me in Southlands
To the son of Grimhild.