Page:Völsunga Saga (1888).djvu/317

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Through all lands of the world
Shall that story fare forth
How she did her to death
For the death of Sigurd.

“But therewithal Gunnar
The gold-scatterer
Did I fall to loving
And she should have loved him,
Rings of red gold
Would they give to Athi,
Would give to my brother
Things goodly and great.

“Yea, fifteen steads
Would they give for me,
And the load of Grani
To have as a gift;
But then spake Atli,
That such was his will,
Never gift to take
From the sons of Giuki.

“But we in nowise
Might love withstand,
And mine head must I lay
On my love, the ring-breaker;
And many there were
Among my kin,
Who said that they
Had seen us together.