Page:Völsunga Saga (1888).djvu/334

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Religious Song, Icelandic. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1871, 354.

Sagas and Scenes, Icelandic. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1863, 459.

Saga, Faroese. Blackw., 1869, 618, 701.

Saga of King Hjorward’s Death. (M. L. Woods.) Macmil., 1880, 353.

Sagas, Icelandic. (E. of Dufferin.) Canad. Mo., 1872, 550. Lond. Q., 1871, 35.

Sagas of the Kings of Norway. Eclec. Rev., 1860, 631.

Sea-kings at Home. Chamb. Jnl., 1869, 254.

Sigurd, The story of, and its Sources. (F. Hueffer.) Gent. M., N. S., 1877, 46.

Sulphur in I. Dub. Univ. Mag., 1874, 397.

Summer in I. 27. Chamb. J., 1869, 27.

Thor and the Giant Thrym. (Tr., R. B. Anderson.) 1875, 295.—Thor and the Giants. Household Words, 1857, 282.—Thor’s Hunt for his Hammer: a Norse Poem. Once a Week, 1861, 125.

Tree of Existence, Teutonic. (Karl Blind.) Fraser, 1877, 101.

Vatna Jökull, on the. (W. L. Watts.) Fraser, 1874, 693.

Viking’s Ransom. Tinsley’s, 1877, 638.—Viking’s Ship. (J. H, Stone.) Good Words, 1881. 759; Eclec. Engin., 1880, 320.—Viking’s Skin. (D. Cook.) Once a Week, 1867, 49.

Visit to I. 1857. (J. W. Bushby.) Colburn, 1858 (v.i.), 429; (v.ii.), 118, 344.

Vital Statistics of I. (P. A. Schleisner.) Jour. Stat. Soc. Lond., 1851, 1.

Walhalla. (R. H. Davis). Scribner’s, 1879, 139; Penny Magazine, 1843, 10, 489.

Weather in Iceland, Register of the. [1811–1813.] (D. Gladstone.) Annals of Philos., 1818: 96, 169, 414.

Woman among the Old Scandinavians, Rights of. (J. A. Hjaltalin.) Edin. Jnl. of Jurisprudence, 1872, 505.

Printed by Walter Scott, Felling, Newcastle-on-Tyne.