Page:VCH Berkshire 1.djvu/111

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BOTANY Zygodon viridissimus - Stirtoni (H. E. Garnsey, IPytham, 1884) Orthotrichum saxatile cupulatum diaphanum obtusifolium tenellum Encalypta vulgaris Physcomitrium pyriforme Bryum uliginosum (Mr. Holliday) - murale atropurpureum capillare turbinatum Mnium undulatum Cryphaea heteromalla Pogonatum urnigerum Climacium dendroides Leskea polycarpa Anomodon viticulosus Eurhynchium Swartzii speciosum Rhyncostegium murale Hypnum Schreberi Kneiffii filicinum - chrysophyllum Plagiothecium denticulatum Sphagnum contortum - cymbifolium - recurvum The neighbourhood of Buckland and Pusey was investigated by Mrs. Milne and Messrs. Boswell and Holliday, and in addition to some of the preceding species they found : Fissidens incurvus Plagiothecium undulatum Trichostomum rubellum Hylocomium splendens Bryum nutans Racomitrium canescens. Tubney Mnium cuspidatum Hypnum triquetrum Cothill Bog affords : Hypnum stellatum Hypnum cuspidatum falcatum Mnium hornum The Seligerias are represented only by the rare S. paucifolia, which the Rev. W. O. Wait has found on the White Horse Hill. The woods and commons and streams of the Kennet valley are rich in mosses, and Mr. A. B.Jackson and others have observed the following : Atrichum undulatum Polytrichum nanum juniperinum commune - formosum. Sulham Pleuridium subulatum Dicranoweisia serrata Ditrichum flexicaule Phascum cuspidatum Pottia truncatula cuspidatum var. piliferum Barbula revoluta Zygodon viridissimus Physcomitrium pyriforme Bartramia pomiformis Bryum capillare Pleuropus sericeus Camptothecium lutescens Brachythecium velutinum Eurhynchium rusciforme Hypnum riparium Hylocomium triquetrum Bryum erythrocarpum. Padworth Sphagnum subsecundum acutifolium - cymbifolium. Burghfield squarrosum. Greenhorn Orthotrichum cupulatum Splachnum ampullacum. Greenham Windsor Forest and the neighbourhood of Virginia Water, and the bogs of Sunningdale and Sandhurst are also rich hunting grounds, but they are only scantily explored. Among the species found are : Buxbaumia aphylla Tetraphis pellucida Dicranella cerviculata Atrichum undulatum (fruit) heteromalla Polytrichum formosum Bryum nutans subrotundum (P. nanum) var. lon- Aulacomnion androgynum gisetum, with the type (Virginia - palustre Water] Orthotrichum diaphanum, Mnium hornum and several species of Sphagnum i 65 9