Page:VCH Berkshire 1.djvu/133

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OMALIINA (continued")

  • Lathrimaeum unicolor, Steph.

Philorhinum sordidum, Steph. Boxford (Harwood) Orochares angustatus, Er. Bradfield (Joy) Coryphium angusticolle, Steph. Quarry Woods (Harwood) ; Aldworth (Joy) ; Bagley (Walker)

  • Omalium rivulare, Payk.

septentrionis, Thorns. Brad- field and Aldermaston (Joy) ; Tubney ; Wytbam (Walker) oxyacanthae, Grav. Tubney (Lambert) t - excavatum, Steph. t caesum, Grav. nigriceps, Kies. Bradfield (Joy) ; South Hinksey ; Wytham (Walker) pusillum, Grav. Quarry Woods (Harwood) ; Well. Coll. punctipenne, Thorns. Quarry Woods (Harwood) ; Brad- t rufipes, Fourc. vile, Er. Quarry Woods (Harwood) ; Bradfield (Joy) iopterum, Steph. Bradfield (Joy) ; Wytham and Bag- ley (Walker) planum, Payk. Bradfield (Jy) t concinnum, Marsh. deplanatum, Gyll. Brad- field (Joy) Hapalaraea pygmaea, Gyll. Brad- field (Joy) Eusphalerum primulae, Steph. Reading ; Bradfield (Joy) Anthobium minutum, Fabr. Bradfield (Joy) ; Ferry Hinksey t opthalmicum, Payk. torquatum, Marsh. Read- ing ; Bagley (Walker) sorbi, Gyll. Aldworth (Joy) ; Bagley PROTEININA Proteinus ovalis, Steph. Read- ing ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Tubney brachypterus, Fabr. Burgh- field ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Tubney macropterus, Gyll. Brad- field (Joy) - atomarius, Er. Reading (Andrewes) ; Bradfield Uy) INSECTS PROTEININA (continued) Megarthrus denticollis, Beck. Bradfield (Joy); Wytham (Walker) affinis, Mull. Reading (An- drewes) ; Bradfield (Joy) depressus, Lac. Reading ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Tubney sinuaticollis, Lac. Bradfield (Jy) hemipterus, 111. Bradfield (Joy); Wytham (Walker) Phloeobium clypeatum, Mull. Reading (Andrewes); Brad- field (Joy); Newbury (Har- wood) ; Tubney (Walker) PHLCEOCHARINA Phloeocharis subtilissima, Mann. Well. Coll. (Joy) Pseudopsis sulcata, Newm. Bradfield (Joy) PlESTINA Prognatha quadricornis, Lac. Quarry Woods (Harwood) ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Hen- wood PSELAPHID.E PSELAPHINA Pselaphus heisei, Herbst. Read- ing ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Newbury (Harwood) dresdensis, Herbst. Thatch- am (Harwood and Joy) Tychus niger, Payk. Bradfield (Joy) ; Newbury (Har- wood) Bythinus puncticollis, Denny. Bradfield (Joy) bulbifer, Reich. Reading ; Bradfield and Thatcham (Jy) curtisi, Denny. Bradfield (Joy) ; Wytham and Bag- ley (Walker) securiger, Reich. Bradfield (Joy) Bryaxis sanguinea, Linn. Fy- field (Butler) ; Reading fossulata, Reich. Reading ; Bradfield and Aldworth (Joy); Bagley (Walker) haematica, Reich. Reading (Andrewes) juncorum, Leach. Brad- field (Joy) ; Newbury (Harwood) ; B alley impressa, Panz. Thatcham 0y) Euplectus karsteni, Reich. Aldworth (Joy) signatus, Reich. Aldworth (Joy) 87 PSELAPHINA (continued) Euplectus nanus, Reich. Windsor (Fowler) ; Aldworth (Joy) - - sanguineus, Denny. Brad- field Qoy) piceus, Mots. Bradfield and Aldworth (Joy) CLAVIGERINA Claviger testaceus, Preyss. Aldworth (Joy) Neuraphes elongatulus, Mull. Aldworth (Joy) angulatus, Mull. Well. Coll. (Jy) - carinatus, Muls. Bradfield (Joy) - sparshalli, Denny. Bradfield (Joy) Scydmaenus scutellaris, Mull. Bradfield (Joy) ; Newbury (Harwood) collaris, Mull. Reading (Andrewes) ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Newbury (Har- wood) pusillus, Miill. Longmere (Barnes) ; Bradfield (Joy) poweri, Fowler. Aldworth (Joy) Euconnus denticornis, Miill. Wytham (Walker) hirticollis, 111. Thatcham ' . fimetarius, Chaud. Well. Coll. (Joy) maklini, Mann. Bradfield (Jy) Eumicrus tarsatus, Miill. Bradfield (Joy) ; New- bury (Harwood) ; Bagley (Walker) Cephennium thoracicum, Mull. Reading ; Mortimer and Bradfield (Joy) ; Newbury (Harwood) LEPTINID.E Leptinus testaceus, Miill. Brad- field (Joy) ; Bagley (Wal- ker) SILPHID^E CLAMBINA Calyptomerus dubius, Marsh. Bradfield (Joy) Clambus pubescens, Redt. Bradfield (Joy) armadillo, De G. Bradfield . minutus, Sturm. Aldzeorth (Jy)