Page:VCH Berkshire 1.djvu/148

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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE LITHOSIID/E (continued) Lithosia lurideola, Zinck. complana, Linn. General on heaths, but not com- mon Gnophria rubricollis, Linn. Well distributed, but ap- parently not common Emydia grammica, Linn. " Two . . . taken in the autumn of 1815 near Windsor, one of them is in the collection of the British Museum, the other in my own cabinet, respectively pre- sented by my valued friend Dr. Leach " (Steph. Illus. vol. 2, p. 92) EUCHELIIDJE Euchelia jacobzae, Linn. Callimorpha dominula, Linn. Local. Kennet side near Reading ; Brad field ; Thatcham; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; larvae feeding here on Symphytum offi- cinale; Cotbill (Jackson) CHELONIID^; Nemeophila russula, Linn. Common on the heath land plantaginis, Linn. Very local. Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; West Woodhay (Beales); Tubney Wood and Common ; Boar's Hill Arctia caia, Linn. villica, Linn. Burghfield (Bird) tSpilosoma fuliginosa, Linn. t mendica, Clerck.

  • lubricipeda, Esp.
  • menthastri, Esp.

'Hepialus humuli, Linn.

  • sylvanus, Linn.

t velleda, Hubn. Well distri- buted, but scarce var. gallicus, Led. occasionally with the type

  • lupulinus, Linn.

t hectus, Linn. COSSIDJE

  • Cossus ligniperda, Fabr.

Zeuzera pyrina, Linn. Widely distributed, but not com- mon COCHLIOPODID.S: Heterogenea limacodes, Hufn. General in and near oak woods, but not common LIPARIDJE 'Porthesia similis, Fues. Leucoma salicis, Linn. Occa- sionally in Reading and neighbourhood. Com- mon at South Hinksey Ocneria dispar, Linn. One male taken at light near Maidenhead, about 1882, by Rev. E. de Ewer (Raynor) 'Psilura monacha, Linn. Dasychira fascelina, Linn. Sand- hurst (Bacon) ; Well. Coll. (Tarbat) (Wells) ; Burgh- field (Bird) ; Bagley Wood (Shepheard-Walwyn)

  • pudibunda, Linn.

Orgyia gonostigma, Fabr. Bag- ' ley Wood, Rev. W. T Bree and Rev. F. W. Hope (Steph.) ; Bagley Wood, 1895 (Shepheard-Wal- wyn), and 1 898 (Lambert)

  • antiqua, Linn.

BOMBYCID^ tTrichiura crataegi, Linn. tPoecilocampa populi, Linn. tEriogaster lanestris, Linn.

  • Bombyx neustria, Linn,

t rubi, Linn.

  • quercus, Linn,

var. callunae, Palmer, occasion- ally

  • Odonestis potatoria, Linn.

tLasiocampa quercifolia, Linn. ENDROMIDJE Endromis versicolor, Linn. Burghfield SATURN IIDJE Saturnia pavonia, Linn. Com- mon on the heath land ; also in some of the willow beds by the Thames and Kennet DREPANULID^; tDrepana lacertinaria, Linn, t falcataria, Linn, t binaria, Hufn. cultraria, Fabr. In all the beech woods, sometimes abundant

  • Cilix glaucata, Scop.

DlCRANURIDJE tDicranura furcula, Linn. Gen- erally distributed, but not plentiful bifida, Hubn. Well. Coll. (Wells) ; Reading ; Burgh- field ; Sulhamstead ; New- bury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Bagley 102 DICRANURID^ (continued) 'Dicranura vinula, Linn. Stauropus fagi, Linn. Widely distributed in woods ; sometimes common in the beech woods NOTODONTID.S; Ptilophora plumigera, Esp. Rare. Maidenhead (A. H. Clarke) ; Reading at light ; Tilehurst tPterostoma palpina, Linn. tLophopteryx camelina, Linn. cuculla, Esp. Not rare about the edges of the beech woods. Maiden- head (A. H. Clarke ; Har- wood) ; Tilehurst ; Sul- ham ; Streatley carmelita, Esp. Rare. Well. Coll. ; Bulmershe Park, Reading; Burghfield Notodonta dictaea, Linn. Bul- mershe Park, Reading ; gardens, Reading (Hen- derson) ; Mortimer ; Al- dermaston Park dictxoides, Esp. Bulmershe Park, Reading ; suburbs of Reading (Henderson) ; Burghfield ; Padworth ; Aldermaston Park / Bagley Wood t dromedarius, Linn, t ziczac, Linn. trepida, Esp. Burghfield ; Padworth ; Aldermaston Park ; Tilehurst ; New- bury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Henwood chaonia, Hubn. Scarce. Burghfield (Bird); Pad- worth (Mrs. Bazett) ; Al- dermaston Park ; Sulham ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick) trimacula, Esp. Well dis- tributed. Bulmershe Park, Reading ; Burghfield ; Aldermaston Park ; Sul- ham ; Streatley ; New- bury (Mrs. Chorley) PYCJERID.S: Phalera bucephala, Linn. Pygaera curtula, Linn. Finch- ampstead 1892 (L. An- drewes) ; Burghfield(EM); Boar's Hill (A. Sidgwick) pigra, Hufn. Rather local, but common where it occurs. Wokingham ; Burghfield ; Padworth ; Aldermaston Park; New- bury (Mrs. Chorley)