Page:VCH Berkshire 1.djvu/423

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS In the borough of WALINGEFORD [Wall- ingford] King Edward had 8 virgates of land, and in these there were 276 closes (hagte) yield- ing 1 1 pounds from rent (de gablo), and they who dwelt in them used to do service for the king with horses or by water (stream) as far as Blidbery [Blewbury], Reddinges [Reading], Sudtone [? Sutton Courtenay] or Besentone [Bensington in Oxfordshire (?)], and to those who did this service the reeve gave hire or payment not from the dues paid to the king but from that paid to him (non de censu regis sed de suo). There are all the customary dues (consuetudines) in this borough now as there used to be ; but of the closes (de hagis) 1 3 are gone (minus) ; 8 were destroyed to make the castle, and a moneyer has one quit of service (to hold) so long as he does the coining. Saulf of Oxeneford [Oxford] has one ; the son of Alsi of Ferendone [Faringdon] one, which he states that the king gave him ; Humfrey Vis- delew has one, for which he claims the king's warranty. Nigel (claims to hold) one of Henry through inheritance from Soarding, but the burgesses give evidence that they (se) never had it. From these 1 3 the king receives no dues (consuetudinem) ; and besides these (ad hue] William de Warene has one close (hagam) from which the king receives no dues (consuetudinem). Over and above these there are 22 dwelling houses held by French- men (maiuree francigena) which pay 6 shillings and 5 pence. King Edward had 15 acres on which housecarles were settled ; these Miles Crispin holds, by what (warrant) is not known ; one of them belongs to (facet in) Witeham [Long Wittenham 1 ], a manor of Walter Gifard. Bishop Walchelin has 27 closes (hagas) worth (de) 25 shillings, and they are appraised in his manor of Bricstewelle [Brightwell 2 ]. The abbot of Abingdon has 2 acres on which are 7 dwelling houses (masura) worth (de) 4 shillings, and they appertain to Oxeneford [Oxford]. Miles has 20 dwelling houses (masuras) worth (de) 12 shillings and 10 pence, and they belong to (jacent in) Neweham [Newnham Murren] ; and also I acre on which are 6 closes (hagte) worth (de) 1 8 pence ; in Haselie [Great Hazeley] he has 6 dwelling houses (masuras) paying 44 pence ; in Estoche [Stoke (Basset)] one dwelling house (masuram) worth (de) 12 pence ; in Celgrave [Chalgrove] 1 Now in the Hundred of Ock. 1 Now in the Hundred of Moreton. I dwelling house (masuram) worth (de) 4 pence ; in Suttone [Sutton (Courtenay)] i acre on which are 6 dwelling houses (masurai) worth (de) 1 2 pence ; in Braio [Bray 3 ] I acre, and there are 1 1 dwelling houses (masuras) worth (de) 3 shillings.* The whole of this land appertains to Oxenefordscire [Oxford- shire], and yet it is in Walengeford [Walling- ford]. Rainald has i acre on which are 1 1 dwelling houses (masurts) worth (de) 26 pence, and they appertain to Eldeberie [Albury 6 ], which is in Oxeneford [Oxfordshire]. The Archbishop 8 has 6 dwelling houses (masuras) worth (de) 26 pence ; Walter Gifard has i acre and 10 dwelling houses (masuras) worth (de) 6 shillings and 3 halfpence ; Robert de Olgi 4 dwelling houses (masuras) worth (de) 20 pence ; Gilbert de Gand I dwelling house (masuram) worth (de) 2 pence halfpenny ; Hugh the tall (Magnus) I dwelling house (masuram) worth (de) 4 pence ; R(alf) son of Seifrid 7 2 closes (hagas) worth (de) 12 pence ; Hugh de Molebec 8 i close (haga) worth (de) 4 pence ; Ranulf Pevrel I worth (de) 4 pence ; Walter son of Other 6 closes (hagas) worth (de) 4 pence less i halfpenny ; William Lovet one plot of land worth (de) 4 pence ; in Eldeslei [Ilsley] 3 dwelling houses (masurte) worth (de) 3 pence. The abbot of Battle Abbey (Labatailge 9 ) has 5 dwelling houses (masuras) in Berchesire worth (de) 2O pence, and (there is) i close (haga), which belonged to Bishop Peter, worth (de) 4 pence. The king has 3 closes (hagas) worth (de) 6 pence ; Henry de Ferrariis 6 closes (hagas) which T.R.E. and also T.R.W. paid 62 pence customarily in the king's ferm (in firma regis) and now pay nothing. Bishop Remigius has I close (haga) worth (de) 4 pence ; Earl Hugh I close (haga) worth (de) 1 6 pence ; Godric I close (haga) worth Now in the Hundred of Beynhurst. Bray and Sutton Courtenay were royal manors in Berkshire, but the other places named were Oxfordshire manors held by Miles (J.H.R.). s Which he had held of Earl William Fitz Osbern (J.H.R.). e i.e. of Canterbury. i The tenant-in-chief of Clewer (J.H.R.). 8 For Bolebec. He was a tenant-in-chief in Bucks and Oxon., and a great under-tenant of Walter Giffard G-H.R.). 9 He held Brightwaltham in this county, and Crowmarsh (facing Wallingford) in Oxfordshire (J.H.R.). 325