Page:VCH Buckinghamshire 1.djvu/108

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<poem> Parmelia saxatilis, Ach. —— Borreri, Turn. —— caperata, Ach. —— physodes, Ach. Lobaria pulmonaria, Hoffm. Peltigera canina, Hoffm. —— spuria, Leight. Physcia parietina, De Not. —— lychnea, Nyl. —— ciliaris, DC. —— pulverulenta, Nyl. —— pityrea, Nyl. —— stellaris, Nyl., sub-sp. tenella, Nyl. —— obscura, Leight. var. virella, Leight. Lecanora murorum, Ach. —— callopisma, Ach. —— laciniosa, Nyl. —— vitellina, Ach. —— citrina, Ach. —— aurantiaca, Nyl. —— ferruginea, Ach. —— cerina, Ach. —— pygmaea, Nyl. —— luteoalba, Nyl. —— calva, Nyl. —— variabilis, Ach. —— exigua, Nyl. —— galactina, Ach. —— subfusca, Nyl. —— Parisiensis, Nyl. —— chlorina, Nyl. —— sulphurea, Nyl. —— varia, Ach. —— expallens, Ach. var smaragdocarpa, Nyl. Summit of Chiltern Hills Lecanora atra, Ach. —— parella, Ach.,f. Turneri, Nyl. —— calcarea, L. —— pruinosa, Nyl. Pertusaria globulifera, Nyl. —— amara, Nyl. —— communis, DC. —— Wulfenii, DC. —— coccodes, Nyl. Burnham Beeches Phlyctis agelasa, Kcerb. —— argena, Kœrb. Urceolaria scruposa, Ach. Lecidea ostreata, Hoffm. —— vernalis, Ach. —— quernea, Dicks. —— parasema, Ach. —— canescens, Dicks. —— stellulata, Tayl. —— myriocarpa, DC. —— casrulea-nigricans, Hoffm. —— tricolor, Leight. —— albo-atra, Hoffm. —— aromatica, Ach. —— sphaeroides, Nyl. —— sabuletorum, Leight. —— effusa, Leight., var. caesiopruinosa, Mudd. —— concentrica, Leight. —— truncigena, Ach. Opegrapha herpetica, Ach. Verrucaria nigrescens, Leight. —— glaucina, Mudd. —— fuscella, Turn. —— viridula, Ach. —— chlorococca, Leight. Stokcnchurch (Lar- balestier)

Two of the foregoing, Verrucaria chlorococca Leight., found by Mr. Larbalestier in Stokenchurch Woods, and Ramalina farinacea Ach. f. phalerata found at Stowe Park by Mr. Holmes, are only known in Britain for these localities. The curious variety of Lecanora expallens characterized by the bright emerald green apothecia, is found nowhere else in Great Britain (Grevillea, xviii. 69).


The knowledge of these organisms, so far as the county is concerned, is almost a blank; the boggy portions of Burnham Beeches, the ponds on the Chiltern Commons, the anastomosing ditches by the Thames, and the sphagnum bogs of the Brickhill district are places which will well reward the searcher.


The county has very favourable localities for fungi, and in some of the woods on the Chilterns, as well as those at Black Park and the