Page:VCH Buckinghamshire 1.djvu/112

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trunk. Amongst the county records the finding of Cribraria violacea deserves special mention. It was first noticed in Ward's Coombe Wood near Ivinghoe, on the inside of the bark of a decayed beech log. Specimens were submitted to Mr. A. Lister for determination, who notified that it was the first record of this species for Europe, the previous locality being Philadelphia. The evidence of its existence in this county does not rest upon a solitary instance, as on several subsequent visits it was found in various parts of the same wood. The only other records known for Europe are those of a few sporangia which developed at the British Museum on a stick sent from Lyme Regis, found in Devon, which had been forwarded, because it bore on its surface another species, and a single gathering from Aberdeenshire, by Mr. Cran in 1898.

Fuligo ellipsospora, first found in Beds, is now recorded also for Bucks and Herts, and Badhamia ovispora, also first observed in Beds by Mr. E. Saunders, is now known as well for Bucks and Herts, the counties being mentioned according to the priority of the records. The latter species is not at present known in Great Britain outside the area included in the South Midlands.

The arrangement and nomenclature of the following list are those of the Monograph of the Mycetozoa by Mr. A. Lister. To that gentleman as well as to Miss G. Lister the writer is indebted for the critical examination of every specimen upon which a record is based.

Ceratiomyxa mucida, Schroet.
Badhamia hyalina, Berk.
——utricularis, Berk.
——panicea, Rost.
——ovispora, Racib.
Physarum leucopus, Link.
——psittacinum, Ditm. Rare.
——viride, Pers.
——nutans, Pers.
and var. leucophaeum.
——calidris, Lister.
——compressum, Alb. and Schw.
——didermoides, Rost.
and var. lividum.
——bivalve, Pers.
Fuligo septica, Gmel.
——ellipsospora, Lister.
Craterium pedunculatum, Trentep.
——leucocephalum, Ditm.
Leocarpus vernicosus, Link.
Chondrioderma radiatum, Rost.
Didymium difforme, Duby.
——nigripes, Fries.
——effusum, Link.
——Trochus, Lister.
——Serpula, Fries.
——Clavus, Rost.
Spumaria alba, DC.
Stemonitis fusca, Roth.
——ferruginea, Elirenb.
Stemonitis flavogenita, Jahn.
Comatricha obtusata, Preuss.
——typhoides, Rost.
——Persoonii, Rost.
Enerthenema elegans, Bowen.
Lamproderma irideum, Massee.
Linbladia Tubulina, Fries.
Cribraria argillacea, Pers.
——violacea, Rex. E. Saunders. First European record.
Dictydium umbilicatum, Schrad.
Tubulina fragiformis, Pers.
Dictydsethalium plumbeum, Rost.
Reticularia Lycoperdon, Bull.
Trichia affinis, de Bary.
—— persimilis, Karst.
—— scabra, Rost.
—— varia, Pers.
—— contorta, Rost.
and var. inconspicua.
—— fallax, Pers.
—— Botrytis, Pers.
Hemitrichia rubiformis, Lister.
—— clavata, Rost.
Arcyria albida Pers.
—— punicea, Pers.
—— incarnata, Pers.
—— flava, Pers.
Perichasna populina, Fries.
Lycogala miniatum, Pers.