Page:VCH Buckinghamshire 1.djvu/141

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Miana furuncula, Tr. Chalfont St. Peter

Eremobia ochroleuca, Esp. In the Chiltern district, not common. Usually taken sitting on flowers in the daytime

Dipterygia pinastri, Linn. ; scabriuscula, St.C. Black Park

Euplexia lucipara, Linn. Generally distributed

Phlogophora meticulosa, Linn. Common everywhere

Helotropha fibrosa, Hb. ; leucostigma, St.C. Taken at ' sugar ' near Chesham by Dr. Churchill

Hydræcia nictitans, Bkh. Chalfont St. Peter, Halton, Chesham, Black Park

—— micacea, Esp. Halton, Chesham

Calamia lutosa, Hb. High Wycombe, at the electric light

Leucania impura, Hb. Chesham, Chalfont St. Peter, common at Halton ; probably everywhere

—— pallens, Linn. Abundant in grass lands as well as in woods

—— comma, Linn. Buckingham, Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham, Black Park, High Wycombe ; in woods

—— conigera, Fab. Generally distributed ; usually taken at flowers

—— lithargyria, Esp. Generally common in woods

—— turca, Linn. At one time taken at Black Park, but apparently not seen there for fifty years, or even much longer

Panolis piniperda, Panz. Black Park ; larva taken on fir by the late Mr. Samuel Stevens

Taeniocampa gothica, Linn. Generally distributed in woods ; taken at sallow bloom at dusk in early spring

—— miniosa, Fab. Once taken at Chesham by Dr. Churchill

—— cruda, Tr.; pulverulenta, St.C. Generally abundant at sallow bloom in early spring

—— stabilis, View. Generally abundant ; taken in the same manner

—— populeti, Tr. Chesham, Black Park, Halton. The Rev. J. Greene says : 'I found a fair number of the pupae of this, then, rare species ; on one occasion thirteen at the roots of one poplar. It goes much deeper into the earth than most species'

—— instabilis, Esp. ; incerta, St.C. Chesham, High Wycombe ; common at Buckingham ; Halton, the pupa found in profusion by digging at the roots of many trees. This moth also comes freely to sallow bloom, but often later in the spring, and is very variable

—— munda, Esp. Chesham, Halton, Great Marlow, Black Park ; at sallow bloom in early spring

Taeniocampa gracilis, Fab. Buckingham, Chesham, Black Park ; also at sallow bloom, but later

Pachnobia leucographa, Hb. Chesham, Rickmansworth neighbourhood, Great Marlow ; at sallow bloom ; scarce

—— rubricosa, Fab. Buckingham, Chalfont St. Peter, Chesham, High Wycombe ; at the same attraction

Rusina tenebrosa, Hb. Generally distributed in woods ; coming freely to ' sugar ' on trees

Mania maura, Linn. Buckingham, Chesham, Chalfont St. Peter, High Wycombe, Black Park ; often hiding in houses

Nasnia typica, Linn. Generally common

Amphipyra pyramidea, Linn. (Copper Underwing). Chesham, Buckingham, High Wycombe, Chalfont St. Peter, Black Park ; in woods, in some years abundantly

—— tragopogonis, Linn. (Mouse Moth). Generally distributed ; often found in houses behind curtains, running swiftlywhen disturbed ; but in no respect injurious, since its larva feeds on weeds, and their blossoms especially

Hydrilla arcuosa, Haw. Halton, Black Park, not common ; taken at ' light '

Caradrina morpheus, Tr. Chesham, High Wycombe, Chalfont St. Peter, Black Park ; common in gardens

Caradrina alsines, Bkh. Chesham, Halton, abundant ; High Wycombe, Black Park ; often taken at lime blossoms

—— blanda, Tr. ; taraxaci, St.C. Generally common in woods and lanes

—— cubicularis, Bkh. ; quadripunctata, St.C. Generally common ; destructive to grain ; sometimes found abundantly in corn stacks

Grammesia trilinea, Bkh. ; trigrammica, St.C. Generally distributed in woods

Dyschorista ypsilon, Bkh. ; fissipuncta, Haw. Found by the Rev. J. Greene at Halton, the pupa under moss on alders

Dicycla oo, Linn. Buckingham, Black Park, rare ; an extremely local species

Calymnia trapezina, Linn. Generally common in woods. The larva of this species is notorious for its habit of chasing, killing and devouring larvae of more feeble kinds

—— pyralina, Schiff. Formerly at Black Park ; usually a very scarce species

—— diffinis, Linn. Buckingham, Black Park, Halton ; pupæ at the roots of elms, but scarce