Page:VCH Buckinghamshire 1.djvu/430

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5 February, 1524,[1] that its revenues might be applied to the support of the new college at Oxford, and received a pension of £10 a year.[2] The five monks who remained were given 6s.8d. each as ' reward,' [3] but it is uncertain whether this was a regular pension or only paid to them at their dismissal. Probably they entered other houses of religion.

The original endowment of this house comprised the demesne land at Tickford with other small parcels of land in this county and Northamptonshire, and several churches : Newport Pagnel with the chapels of Little Linford and Little Crawley ; Chichely, Broughton, and half North Crawley, Willen, Astwood, Bradwell, Sherrington, and the chapel of Petsoe in this county ; Aston, War- wicks, with three dependent chapels ; Bar- nack and Botlingdon, Northants. Most of these were given by various members of the family of Paynel before 1154.[4] Broughton and North Crawley had passed out of the possession of this monastery by the thirteenth century, and Sherrington was granted to the bishops of Lincoln in 1291. William Paynel [5] gave the monastery the churches of Bridge- water and ' Hynnespill ' in the diocese of Bath in 1224, but they were lost some time later as well as the two churches in Northamp- tonshire, before the house was dissolved. At the time of the Taxatio the priory was valued £104 16s. 3¾d.,[6] of which only £15 15s. 3¾d. were in temporalities. £89 1s. includes the revenues of all the churches, which were not of course by any means clear profit. The survey of 1325 gives a total of £70 1s. ; there were pensions to be paid out of this amounting to £18 10s., besides ten corrodies in kind.[7] In 1302 the prior held one tenth of a knight's fee in Chichely and one eighth in Hardmead[8]: in 1346 he had one fee in Chichely, one eighth in Bradwell, and one eighth in Hardmead.[9] At the dissolution of the house in 1524 its total issues amounted to £57 11s. 4d. [10] ; the bells and lead were worth £33 6s. 8d., and the moveable goods only £5 4s.[11] The Ministers' Accounts however give a total of £122 19s. 7d.[12]

Priors of Tickford

Robert de Bohun, [13] occurs 1187
Walter, [14] occurs 1199
Bernard, [15] occurs 1200
Hugh, [16] resigned 1220
William, [17] elected 1220, resigned 1232
John de Colne, [18] elected 1232, resigned 1233
Robert Hamelyn, [19] elected 1233
Oliver, [20] occurs 1255 and 1259
Gilbert, [21] occurs 1262
Bartholomew, [22] died 1270
Reginald de Cossam,[23] elected 1270
Simon de Reda, [24] occurs 1275, deposed 1291
Geoffrey Villicus, [25] elected 1291, resigned 1302
William de Menevere, [26] elected 1302, resigned 1332
Fulk de Champaigne, [27] elected 1332, died
William de Tanqueterre, [28] elected 1349
John de Garry, [29] occurs 1352 and 1355
John de Fresney, [30]occurs 1362
Francis Quatresoulz, [31] elected 1363
William Daunay, [32] elected 1365
John Dvien, [33] occurs from 1383 to 1416
Thomas Chace, [34] occurs 1419
John Carlell, [35] occurs 1431, died 1434
Robert Blythe, [36] elected 1434
Thomas Derneton, [37] elected 1464, resigned

  1. L. and P. Henry VIII. iv. 1137.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid. 6222.
  4. Round, Col. of Doc. France, i. 444 ; and the confirmation charter given in Dugdale, Mon. v. 202, and dated 1187.
  5. Harl. MS. 2188, f. 125d.
  6. Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.). A survey of the manor taken 22 Edw. I. amounts to £141 15s. 2d. (Dugdale, Mon. v. 204-5).
  7. Ibid. v. 205.
  8. Feud. Aids, i. 104.
  9. Ibid. 130, 132.
  10. L. and P. Henry VIII. iv. 6788.
  11. Ibid. 6222.
  12. Dugdale, Mon. v. 206.
  13. Charter of Fulk Paynel ; Dugdale, Mon. v. 202.
  14. Ibid.
  15. Feet of Fines (Rec. Com.), i. 187, 190.
  16. Linc. Epis. Reg. Rolls of Hugh of Wells.
  17. Ibid.
  18. Ibid.
  19. Ibid.
  20. Feet of F. 19 Hen. III. 13.
  21. Dugdale, Man. v. 201.
  22. Ibid.
  23. Linc. Epis. Reg. Rolls of Gravesend. Dugdale's list has Reginald de Bernewell also, occurring 3 Edward I. ; who is probably the same person.
  24. Pat. 6 Edw. I. m. 19, etc.
  25. Linc. Epis.Reg. Inst. Sutton. 117d.
  26. Ibid. Inst. Dalderby, 176. His name is spelt in two or three different ways.
  27. Ibid. Inst. Burghersh, 341.
  28. Ibid. Inst. Gynwell, 240.
  29. Dugdale, Mon. v. 202.
  30. Ibid.
  31. Linc. Epis. Reg. Inst. Bokyngham, 409.
  32. Ibid. 4l0d (William de Alneto).
  33. Pat. 9 Richard II. m. 40d, etc., and Bull, History of Newport Pagnel, 97.
  34. Dugdale, Mon. v. 201.
  35. Ibid, and Linc. Epis. Reg. Inst. Gray, 49.
  36. Linc. Epis. Reg. Inst. Gray, 49.
  37. Ibid. Memo. Chadworth, 64.