Page:VCH Cornwall 1.djvu/167

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MARINE ZOOLOGY In the list that follows records of previous county workers are incor- porated where there is no doubt as to identification, but there may be omissions due to the inaccessibility of some of the literature to one who is working in the country. The writer's observations on the Cornish marine fauna began nearly twenty years ago, and have been continuous over the last seven years. A large amount of shore collecting has been done from the spring of 1900 onwards by his Nature Study and Biology students at the County Technical Schools, and there are few beaches of importance in the south of the county that have not been visited at low spring tides. Trawl refuse has also received a considerable amount of attention, and though the specimens obtained are frequently in poor condition they are generally suffi- cient for identification. A good deal of dredging has been carried out in Falmouth Bay and elsewhere, and some awkward but remunerative work done in thirty-five to forty-five fathoms off the Dodman. A long and valuable fauna list has been kindly supplied by Mr. Rupert Vallentin for Falmouth and the neighbourhood, and a large series of unpublished records by Mr. A. Robinson for the Polperro district. Lists have also been received from Mr. E. Heron Allen and from the late Mr. W. E. Baily for Mount's Bay, and considerable assistance has been given by Mr. Matthias Dunn and other members of the County Fisheries Committee. To these and to his many other helpers and co-workers the writer wishes to express his hearty thanks, not only for what they have done but for the spirit in which their help has been given. To his friend Dr. E. J. Allen, Director of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Plymouth, he is under great obligation for placing the resources of that institution so freely at his service, and for much personal help and advice in the preparation of the article. Through the exigencies of space it has been found necessary to adopt the following abbreviations in the lists of species, viz : abund. denotes abundant ; B. bay ; c. common ; dist. distribution, distributed ; esp. especial, especially ; f. c. fairly common ; gen. general, generally ; gnds. grounds ; Harb. Harbour ; h. t. high tide ; h. w. high water ; 1. w. low water ; n. c. not common ; n. unc. not uncommon ; occ. occasion, occasionally ; r. rare ; rr. very rare ; S. Sound ; spec, specimen ; s. t. spring tide ; t-m. tide-mark ; var. variety, variation ; v. c. very common ; w-m. water- mark. Among the names of authorities and recorders the following are indicated by initials, viz : Couch, Jonathan = (J. C.); Couch, R.Quiller (R. Q. C.); Hincks, S. = (H.) ; Marshall, J. T. = (M.) ; Marine Biological Associa- tion = (M. B. A.) ; Museum of the Royal Institution of Cornwall = (M. R. I.) ; Peach, C. W. = (P.) ; Smart and Cooke = (S. & C.) ; Vallentin, Rupert =(V.). The records for which the writer is responsible are marked ! FORAMINIFERA The following list of county foraminifera is based on the work of the Marine Biological Association at Plymouth, on a MS. list kindly furnished by Mr. F. W. Millett of the Foraminifera of Mount's Bay, on a similar list by Mr. E. Heron Allen of the species taken by him at Poljew Cove, Mullion, in 1892, and on work done by the Biological Department of the County Technical Schools at Truro. Where no authority is given for localities in the Plymouth district the records