Page:VCH Derbyshire 1.djvu/104

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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE The more important papers relating to this district are those by Mr. Lionel E. Adams (Journ. Conch, vi. 247, vii. 77), and the Rev. Herbert Milnes (op. cit. vii. 274-8 8) , A. GASTROPODA I. PULMONATA a. STYLOMMATOPHORA Limax maximus, Linn. flaws, Linn. arborum, Bouch.-Chant. Common in the limestone district and in the valley of the Goyt Agriolimax agresth (Linn.) latvis (Mull.) Vitr'ma pellucida (Mall.) Vitrea crystallina (Mull.) alliaria (Miller) glabra (Brit. Auct.) eel/aria (Mull.) nitidula (Drap.) pura (Aid.) radiatula (Aid.). Rare : Ambergate ; Repton ; Matlock ; Clifton excavata (Bean). Local : Miller's Dale ; Repton ; Clifton ; Compstall ; Chapel- en-le-Frith ; Darley Dale ; Ticknall nitida (Mull.) fuha (Mull.). Widely distributed in the south of the county Arion ater (Linn.) hortensis, Fei. circumscriptus, John. intermedius. Norm. subfuscus (Drap.) Punctum pygmteum (Drap.) Pyramidula rupestris (Drap.). Abundant on the limestone rotundata (Mull.) Helicella virgata (Da C.). Wellington sta- tion ; Ticknall (most probably im- ported) ; Monsall and Miller's Dales itala (Linn.). Dovedale (a very small form) ; Miller's Dale ; Monsal Dale ; Cromford ; Crich ; Hartington caperata (Mont.). Ambergate ; Matlock ; Ticknall Hygromia fusca (Mont.). Rare : Cressbrook Dale hispida (Linn.) rufescens (Penn.). Belper ; Clifton (most probably imported in both cases) ; Matlock Acanthinula aculeata (Mull.) lamellata (Jeff.). Cresswell Crags Vallonla pukhella (Mull.)") Common on the Helicigona lapicida (Linn.)) limestone Hellcigona arbustorum (Linn.). Common : a reversed specimen was found in Ash- wood Dale in 1887 Helix aspersa, Mull. Repton ; Littleover ; Matlock nemoralhy Linn. Common : the white- lipped form frequent in Dovedale - hortensis, Mull. Buliminui obscurus (Mull.) Cochlicopa lubrica (Mull.) Azeca tridens (Pult.). Derby ; Cromford ; Ashbourne (where it is now extinct) ; Belper ; Pleasley Vale ; Matlock Ceeciliamlla acicula (Mull.). Miller's Dale ; Monsall Dale ; Repton ; Dovedale Pupa secale, Drap. Miller's Dale ; Monsall Dale ; Haddon Hall ; near Matlock anglica (Fei.). Near Buxton ; Matlock cylindracea (Da C.) muscorum (Linn.). Rare : Buxton ; Dove- dale ; Matlock Sphyradium edentulum (Drap.) Vertigo substriata (Jeff.). Cresswell ; Mat- lock pygmtea (Drap.). Near Burton-on-Trent ; Clifton ; Derby moulinsiana (Dup.). Markland Gripps, near Cresswell pusilla, Mull. Cresswell ; a colony restricted to a few square yards in Dovedale angustior, Jeff. Cresswell Crags Balea perversa (Linn.). Haddon Hall ; Derby ; Cromford Clausilia laminata (Mont.) bidentata (Strom.) Succinea putris (Linn.) elegans, Risso b. BASOMMATOPHORA Carycbium minimum, Mull. Ancylus Jluviatilis, Mull. In brooks in the south of the county ; in the river at Darley Dale Velletia lacustris (Linn.). Weston-on-Trent canal ; Cromford canal Limntea auricularia (Linn.) pereger (Mull.) palustris (Mull.). Weston, in the canal ; Cresswell Crags truncatula (Mull.) stagnalis (Linn.)