Page:VCH Derbyshire 1.djvu/137

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Agriopis aprilina, L. Occurs all over county ; common, south Euplexia lucipara, L. Generally distri- buted ; Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.), Darley Dale (B.T.), common towards south Phlogophora meticulosa, L. Common over greater part of county Aplecta prasina, Fb. Bakewell, several (R.H.F.) ; Dovedale (E.W.B., etc.) ; Little Eaton, common ; and occurs throughout the south occulta, L. Little Eaton (J.H., etc.) ; once, Drakelow ; three, Bretby ; (?) Barrow nebulosa, Hufn. Little Eaton and throughout the south Hadena adusta, Esp. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.), Bakewell, Willington, Bur- ton protea, Bork. Tolerably common to- wards south glauca, Hb. Ashopton and Bamford (E.A.C.), Wirhworth (J.H.), Bread- sail Moor (W.G.S., etc.) dentina, Esp. Common and general except in High Peak north of Bam- ford trifolii, Rott. Repton and Burton dis- trict dissimilis, Knoch. Little Eaton ; Derby, once ; Trent Valley oleracea, L. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.) ; Little Eaton, south Derbyshire, common pisi, L. Bamford (E.A.C.) ; Little Eaton, common ; Repton, Bretby thalassina, Rott. Common and general through southern half of county ; Bake-well, common (R.H.F.) XYUNIDJE Xylocampa areola, Esp. Repton and Mel- bourne districts Calocampa vetusta, Hb. Burton ; Bretby, once exoleta, L. One, Bake-well, 1896 (R.H.F.); Breadsall Moors (H.C., 1853); south of the Trent solidaginis, Hb. Bamford, Ashopton (E.A.C.) ; Longshaw, once (C.F.T.) ; Hathersage Moor (R.H.F.), Breadsall Moor (J.H.) Asteroscopus sphinx, Hufn. Bake-well, twice (R.H.F.) ; Burton, Harts- home, Calke, Bretby Cucullia verbasci, L. Near Derby and locally in the south chamomillae, Schiff. (?) Larva at Wil- lington once XYLINID^E (continued) Cucullia umbratica, L. Common every- where except north GONOPTERIDJE Gonoptera libatrix, L. Central and south- ern Derbyshire, common Pl.USIID.flE Habrostola tripartita, Hufn. Common and general triplasia, L. Occurs Bakewell, Little Eaton ; common in south Plusia chrysitis, L. Common and general festucae, L. Derby, Barrow (once), Burton (once) iota, L. Common over greater part of county pulchrina, Haw. Common and general gamma, L. Very common everywhere - interrogationis, L. Derbyshire (Newm.) HELIOTHID^E Anarta myrtilli, L. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.) ; Breadsall Moors, common Heliaca tenebrata, Scop. Trent Valley, Breadsall Moors Heliothis dipsacea, L. Once, Breadsall Moors Chariclea umbra, Hufn. Once, Breadsall Moors POAPHILID.S: Phytometra viridaria, Clerck. Bakewell; Little Eaton, common ; Derby, Bla- don Hill EUCLIDIID.S: Euclidia mi, Clerck. Dovedale 1 HERMINIID.S: Zanclognatha grisealis, Hb. Repton, Bretby, Little Eaton tarsipennalis, Tr. Repton Shrubs (also by J.H.) Pechypogon barbalis, Clerck. Repton (W.G.) HYPENID^ Hypena proboscidialis, L. Common in south ; also Little Eaton Hypenodes costaestrigalis, St. Little Eaton (?) (J-H.) BREPHIDES Brephos parthenias, L. Seen near Robin Hood's Stride (R.H.F.) ; seen Rep- ton Shrubs, 1882 ; Melbourne district, Leicester border, common (H.H.C.) GEOMETRY UROPTERYGIDJE Uropteryx sambucaria, L. Occurs over greater part of county ; common in south 1 CATOCALIDJE [Catocala fraxini, L. Recorded from Burton, Staffs, in 1852]