Page:VCH Derbyshire 1.djvu/341

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ROMANO-BRITISH DERBYSHIRE Tetrici and Victorinus. [J. D. Leader, Reliquary, xxv. (1885), 173. Imperfect accounts, Watkin, Derb. Arch. Journ. viii. 2O2, and Axon, Lanes, and Ches. Antiq. Sac. Trans, xiv. 156]. The Pleasley hoard was found a mile south of this. LEAM HALL (near Eyam). The conical piece of lead weighing 30 or 40 pounds found about 1840 (Black, Guide to Derb. (ed. 1872), p. 1832) may or may not be of any age. LITTLE CHESTER. Fort or village : p. 216. LOMBARDS GREEN. See Parwich. LONGSTONE EDGE. ' Brass pins and Roman coins found in the Longstone Edge mines,' exhibited at Sheffield 1873 by Mr. Bagshawe [Brit. Arch. Assoc. Journ. xxx. 222]. At Rolley Low, found 1 844, ' Third Brass ' coin of Constantine in a barrow a foot below the surface probably quite unconnected with the interments of the barrow [Bate- man, Vestiges, p. 55 ; hence Cox, Derb. Arch. Journ. vi. 105, etc.] MAM TOR. Earthworks often, but wrongly, called Roman. MATLOCK. Pigs of lead found in the vicinity, p. 231. The tepid springs (68 Fahr.), good for gout and rheumatism, seem not to have been used in Roman times. Three ' Roman urns,' 2 of them containing ashes and bones, are said to have been found in making a tunnel on the Midland Railway here [Illustrated London News, 1848 (i.) 84]. MELANDRA. Fort near Glossop, p. 210. MELBOURNE. Potsherds, coins of Gallienus, Postumus, Tetricus, Constantine picked up in the fields at various times [Brit. Arch. Assoc. Journ. vii. 354 ; J. J. Briggs, Hist, of Mel- bourne (Derby, ed. 2, 1852), p. 16]. Briggs also gives (p. 190) list of 26 coins 'found near Melbourne and Castle Donington ' (in Leics.) Domitian, Hadrian, 3 Pius, Faustina, 2 Gordian, 2 Tetricus, 3 Probus, Maximian, Constantine, Constantius, Helena, Crispus, Valentinian, and 5 doubtful. MIDDLETON BY YouLGREAVE. Bronze enamelled fibula (prob. of second century) found in 1843 at Rock Cottage near the upper end of the village. Bronze key found near in 1827, many potsherds, and two ' Third Brass coins' (Tetricus, Constantine II.). Bronze Fie. 51. FIBULJE AND UNINSCRIBED ALTAR FOUND NEAR MIDDLETON BY YOULGREAVE. fibula found in 1821 in making a mill pond (fig. 51). Bronze trident found in May 1822, close to the pond (fig. 46). Small uninscribed altar of local sandstone, 6 inches square by 16 inches high found in the wall of an old cottage (fig. 51). [Glover, i. 301, Bateman, Vestiges, 160, and Lomberdale Ho. Catal. pp. 124, 145 ; Sheffield Mus. Catal. pp. 199, 201, 214. I do not feel sure that the 'altar' is Roman. At Rusden Low, found 1848, in a barrow, 'Romano-British' potsherds, small bronze coin of Chlorus, curiously riveted bone comb, by side of earlier interments [Bate- man, Diggings, p. 43, Sheffield Mus. Catal. p. 201 (comb)]. At Ringham Low, potsherds, perhaps of a secondary, Romano-British, burial, in a barrow [Bateman, Diggings, p. 64]. At Gib Hill (400 yards west of Arborlow and close to the Roman road) , barrow, coins (some silver), bones, fibula not well recorded, but apparently near the surface [Bateman in C. R. Smith, Coll. Ant. i. 57. Compare Brit. Arch. Assoc. Journ. xv. 153.] 259