Page:VCH Derbyshire 1.djvu/480

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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE earthworks seem to have been original parts of a deep moat round the centre of the castle. 10. Of MACKWORTH CASTLE (xlix. 7) nothing has for a long time remained save the fine gateway, dating from the time of Henry VII. In the field to the west of the gateway the outlines of two large quad- rangular courts can be traced. There is no evidence of any moat or adjacent earthworks, nor is there any record of a castle here before the end of the fourteenth century. 1 1 . The small remains of MELBOURNE CASTLE (Iviii. 6) are at the east end of the town, opposite the end of Potter Street, on a site known as Castle Farm. They consist simply of a piece of a ruinous wall, and the semicircular foundation of a turret. Traces of possible earthworks beyond are of the slightest character. There seems no reason to believe that there was any kind of defensive castle here prior to the fourteenth century. SCALE OF FEET IPO aoo 300 MOUSELOW CASTLE. 384