Page:VCH Essex 1.djvu/329

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EARLY MAN quantity of wood and other material used to construct this platform that in the course of years some tons have been dug out.' ' The relics discovered include the bones of the ox (Bos longifrons) and those of a larger ox, the bones and antlers of the red deer (Cervus elaphus), the roe deer (Capreolus caprea) and other animal remains, burnt bones and charcoal, an arrowhead of finely chipped flint, numerous worked flakes, a sandstone sharpener, bone and horn implements, of which some are perforated artificially, three picks made from deer's ant- lers, etc. Of pottery it is difficult to say that the relics came from the fas- cine strata, as the site has been occupied in after ages. The great question of the date of this settlement is still sub judice^ and must so remain till further explorations throw more light on the point ; the absence of metal weapons (even of the almost imperishable bronze) suggests neolithic origin, but on the other hand there has not been discovered a single relic which is incompatible with a Late Celtic origin, while some of the sawn antlers and wood indicate the use of metal tools unknown to neolithic man. Whatever the date may be, it must be acknowledged that archaeologists owe a deep debt to the inde- fatigable exertions of the vicar of Braintree. INDEX AND SUMMARY The following abbreviations are used to indicate the principal publications referred to in this index : A. = Archteologia. A.J. = Archieological 'Journal. A.B.I. = Evans' Ancient Bronze Implements. A.S.I. = Evans* Ancient Stone Implements (ed. 2). B.B. = Britton and Brayley's Beauties of England and (Fales. B.A.A. = British Archaeological Association Journal. B.R.H. = Benton's Rochford Hundred. C.B.G. = Camden's Britannia (Cough's, ed. 2). E.A.T. = Essex Archteohgical Society's Transactions. E.F.C.J. = Essex Field Club Journal of Proceedings. E.F.C.T. = Essex Field Club Transactions. E.N. = Essex Naturalist. E.R. = Essex Review. G.M. Gentleman's Magazine. G.M.L. = Gentleman's Magazine Library. N.S.E. = Neville's Sepulchra Exposita. S.S. = Surtees Society. P.S.A. = Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. ABBERTON. Palaeolithic implement : Colchester Museum. ARDLEIGH. Palaeolithic implements : Colchester Museum. ARKESDEN. Palaeolithic implements : Saffron Walden Museum. Bronze hoard : p. 267 ante. ASHDON. Palaeolithic implements : Saffron Walden Museum. Neolithic weapons : Saffron Walden Museum [A.J. xxi. 178]. BADDOW (GREAT and LITTLE). Neolithic implement [E.N. x. 306]. Bronze finds : p. 267 ante [A. ix. 378 ; A.B.I. 43 ; E.A.T. . 199 ; E.F.C.T. ii. 31]. 1 Etitx Naturalist, xi. 100. 271