Page:VCH Essex 1.djvu/553

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS fo. 37 HALF HUNDRET OF CLAVELINGA [CLAVERING] PACHEN HOU [Payton Hall 1 ], which was held, in King Edward's time, by i free man as a manor and as I hide and 30 acres, is held of William by Simond. Then as now (sem- per) i plough on the demesne, and i plough belonging to the men. Then and afterwards 3 villeins ; now 2. Then and afterwards 3 bordars ; now 7. (There are) 7 acres of meadow. Then I rouncey (runcinui) and 9 swine. Now I rouncey, 9 swine, and 40 sheep. It was then worth 20 shillings ; now 25- HUNDRET OF HIDINGFORDA [HINCKFORD] In HALTESTEDA [Halstead*] William dc Gar[enne] holds 2 hides less 4 acres, which were held, in King Edward's time, by 30 free men. 8 In that land there are and were (iunt semper) 10 ploughs on the demesne, and 3 ploughs belonging to the men, and 8 vil- leins, and 23 bordars, and 6 serfs. (There is) wood(land) for 1 40 swine, and 46 acres of meadow. (There are) 2 mills. Then 6 beasts (animaiia), 40 sheep, (and) 12 swine. Now 14 beasts, 36 sheep, 2O swine, 2 roun- ceys, (and) 2 hives of bees. Then and after- wards it was worth i o pounds ; now 1 3 pounds 17 shillings and 4 pence. Of this land Richard holds 34 acres, and it is worth 10 shillings in the above valuation (pretio). In BUMESTEDA [(Steeple) Bumpstead 4 ] Gul- bert holds 6 3 hides and 18 acres, which were held, in King Edward's time, by 1 2 free men. 6 In that land are and were (sunt semper) 9 ploughs, and 3 villeins, and 18 bordars, and 5 serfs. (There is) wood(Iand) for 20 swine, (and) 40 acres of meadow. Then i rouncey (runcinus), 40 sheep, (and) 30 swine. Now I rouncey, 16 beasts (anima/ia), 100 swine, i oo sheep, (and) 4 hives of bees. Then and afterwards it was worth 10 pounds ; now 12. 1 In Manuden ; styled ' Pakenhoo-hall ' in 15*4. The manor of Hipworth Hall therein.

  • The very large number of its former tenants

should be observed ; also the low assessment, and the abnormal proportion of the ploughs on the demesne to those of the men, a result of its former tenure. 4 i.e. Moyns manor therein. i.e. of William. 6 Here again the number of former holders is large, though the case is less extreme than in the Halstead case. 7 In Pebmarsh. In POLHEIA [Polhey 7 ] William holds 3^ hides and 13 acres. Of this land 25 acres are held by Richard, and 3 virgates by Gladiou. The whole estate (terra) was held by 23 men in King Edward's time. 6 Then they had 10 ploughs ; afterwards (there were), and are there now 8 ploughs. (There are) now 6 bordars. Then 7 serfs ; now none 5 (sic). (There is) now I mill. (There was) then wood(land) for 60 swine ; now for 40, (with) 30 acres of meadow. (There were) 8 beasts (anima/ia), 2O swine, (and) 20 sheep ; now 12 beasts, 30 swine, 60 sheep, (and) 2 hives of bees. It was then worth I o pounds ; now fo. 376 14 pounds and 16 shillings. William claims (that he obtained) these lands by exchange. 8 HUNDRET OF CEFFEURDA [CHAFFORD] KELITUNA [Kenningtons 9 ] was held, in King Edward's time, by 3 free men as 4 hides. Now William (holds it) for the same (tantun- dem) by exchange, as he says ; and Wlbert (holds it) of him. Then i villein ; now 7. Now i bordar. Then 3 serfs ; now i. Then, in all (inter Mum 10 ), 3 ploughs ; now i^. (There is) wood(land) for 100 swine, and 8 acres of meadow. Then 2 beasts (anima/ia), and 1 5 swine, (and) 2O sheep ; now 2 beasts, 15 swine, and 50 sheep. It was then worth n shillings ; and when (the manor was) received, 30 ; now 97 shillings. 1 * Ranulf (sic) has also half a hide, which was held by Ulwin, a free man, in King Edward's time ; then i plough (was there) ; now a half. It is worth 6 shillings. HUNDRET OF CELMERESFORT [CHELMSFORD] HANINGEFELDA [(West) Hanningfield] was held by 3 free men as 3 manors and as 4 hides and 27 acres. Now William holds it for the same (tantundem), by his exchange ; and Ulbert holds it of him. Then as now (semper) 3 bordars and 2 serfs. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne ; now 4. (There is) wood(land) for 40 swine, 2 acres of meadow, and pasture for I oo sheep. Then 2 rounceys (runtini), and 12 beasts (animaiia), 60 sheep, (and) 40 swine ; now 2 rounceys, 30 beasts, 8 ' Istas terras rcclamat Willelmus pro escangio.' This probably refers to the lands at Bumpstead and Polhey. William's persistent reference to 'ex- change ' as the source of his title should be ob- served. 9 In Aveley (see p. 490, note 10). 10 This probably means those on the demesne and the others taken together. 11 The figure is omitted in the MS. u " c sol* iii tol' minus." 475