Page:VCH Essex 1.djvu/571

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS 65 swine, 354 sheep, (and) 4 hives of bees. It was then worth i o pounds ; now 1 7 ; and it was leased hr(fuit ad firmam ad] 30 pounds under Eudo himself. 1 To this manor there belong (adjacent") 30 acres ; they were worth 30 pence ; now 36. There also belong 20 acres of WRINGEHALA [ ] which are held by I sokeman ; (they were) then worth 2O pence ; now 3 shillings. LALINGE [Lawling*], which was held by Ulvric cassa, in King Edward's time, as a manor and as 3^ hides ; 3 is held of E[udo] by Richard. Then 4 serfs ; now 3. Now i bordar. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne ; now I . Then I rouncey (runcinus) ; now none. Then 87 sheep ; now 63. It was then worth 60 shillings ; when (the manor was) received 40 shillings ; now 4 pounds. STEPLA [Steeple], which was held, in King Edward's time, by Norman as a manor and as 3 hides and 35 acres, is held of E[udo] by the same R[ichard]. Then as now (semper) i bordar, and 2 serfs, and 2 ploughs. (There is) wood(land) for 10 swine. Then 6 beasts (anima/ia) ; now 27. Then as now I roun,- cey (runcinus) and 15 swine. Then 120 sheep ; now 160. It is worth 4 pounds. DONA [Down (Hall) 4 ], which was held, in King Edward's time, by Modinc as a manor and as 2 hides and 20 acres, is held of E[udo] by the same Rfichard], Then as now (sem- per) 2 bordars, and 2 serfs, and i plough. (There is) pasture for 100 sheep. Then I rouncey (runcinus) ; now 3. Now 3 beasts (anima/ia). Then 1 2O sheep ; now 1 60 less i. It is worth 60 shillings. LANDUNA [ '], which was held, in King Edward's time, by 4 free men as half a hide and 20 acres, is held of E[udo] by the same R[ichard]. Then as now (semper) half a plough. It is worth 10 shillings. ACLETA [ 8 ], which was held, in King Edward's time, by Modinc as a manor 1 This last clause is interlined.

  • In Latchingdon.

8 ' pro iii hidis T.R.E. et dim'.'

  • In Bradwell-by-Sea (see Introduction, p. 392).
  • The present ' Eastlands ' in Bradwell-by-Sea

is styled ' Land farm ' in Chapman and Andre's map (1772-4), but I know of nothing to identify it as ' Landuna.' There is a ' Hockley ' in Bradwell-by-Sea, but one can hardly suggest so great a distortion of the name, nor is there anything to suggest the identification. and as i* (hides) 7 and 10 acres, is held of E[udo] by the same (Richard). Then as now (semper) i bordar and i plough. (There Co. jo is) pasture for 100 sheep. Then as now (semper) 2 beasts (anima/ia), and 80 sheep, and 9 swine. Then and afterwards it was worth 40 shillings ; now 50. HUNDRET OF RoCHEFORT [RoCHFORD] HECHWELLA [Hawlcwell], which was held, in King Edward's time, by Ulmer as a manor and as 3^ hides less 15 acres, is held of Eudo by Pirot. 8 Then 1 1 villeins ; now 8. Then as now (semper) 5 bordars. Then 2 serfs ; now 3. Then as now (semper) 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 6 ploughs belonging to the men ; now 5. There are 4 acres of meadow, (with) woodland for 10 swine. Then 2 rounceys (runcini), and 5 beasts (anima/ia), 102 sheep, (and) 20 swine ; now 1 6 beasts, 106 sheep, 20 swine, (and) 2 hives of bees. Then and afterwards it was worth 6 pounds ; now 7.* In the abovesaid Hundret of DOMMAWA [Dunmow] Richard holds of Eudo i manor of 9 acres which is called BROCHESHEVOT [Broxted], which, in King Edward's time, was held of the Abbot of Ely by 2 sokemen. 10 Then 3 ploughs on the demesne ; now 2j. Now I plough belonging to the men, and 2 villeins. Then 3 bordars ; now 5. Then 3 serfs ; now i . (There is) wood(land) for 100 swine, (and) 6 acres of meadow. Then I rouncey (runcinus), and 3 beasts (anima/ia), and 1 6 swine; now 5 beasts, (and) 33 swine. Then and afterwards it was worth 60 shil- lings ; now 4 pounds. SCELGA [Shellow], which was held, in King Edward's time, by Ulmar, a free man, as a manor and as half a hide, is held by Eudo in demesne. Then as now (semper) half a plough on the demesne. (There are) now 2 bordars. (There is) wood(land) for 16 swine, (and) 4 7 The word is omitted in the MS. 8 From whom the family of Perot which subse- quently held the manor, by knight service, of the Honour of Rayleigh. He was an under-tenant of Eudo in other counties also.

  • This entry is duplicated below (see Intro-

duction, p. 41 1). 10 See p. 450 above, where the former tenure of the land by sokemen is ignored. The circumstance that the title to this estate was contested is doubtless the cause of its being entered here out of due course, instead of under Eudo's holding in the Hundred of Dunmow. 493