Page:VCH Essex 1.djvu/595

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS (rundni) ; now 3. Then I beast (animal) ; now 14. Then 80 sheep; now 30. Then 50 swine ; now 40. Then and afterwards it was worth 100 shillings; now 7 pounds. To this estate belongs (terra adjacef) now as then (semper) i sokeman with (de} 30 acres. In BOLITUNA [Bollington *] Robert holds in demesne i$ hides and 15 acres. Then ploughs ; afterwards and now I . Then as now (semper) 2 bordars. Then 10 swine, and 28 sheep ; now I beast (animal), 2 swine, and 4 sheep. It is worth now as then (semper) 25 shillings. In this manor Robert holds of R[obert] half a hide, and has half a plough ; and it is worth 10 shillings in the above valuation (in eodem pretio). PHERNHAM [Farnham*], which was held by i free man as a manor and as 2 hides in King Edward's time, is held by Robert in demesne. Then as now (temper) 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 2 ploughs belonging to the men. Then and afterwards 2 villeins ; now I ; then as now (semper) 8 bordars ; then and afterwards 8 serfs; now I. Then and afterwards wood(land) for 2OO swine ; now for 150. (There are) 10 acres of meadow. Then 4 rounceys (rundni) ; now 2. Then 1 5 beasts (animalia) ; now none. Then 40 swine; now 17. Then 60 sheep; now 30. (There are) now 39 goats, and 3 hives of bees. It was worth 40 shillings ; now 50. MENGHEDANA [Manuden 3 ] was held by 4 free men as a manor and as 4 hides in King Edward's time. It is now held of R[obert] by 4 knights. Then as now (semper) 3 ploughs, and 2 villeins, and 5 bordars, and I serf. (There is) wood(land) for 30 swine, (and) 13 acres of meadow. Then 8 beasts (animalia), and 80 sheep, and 2O goats, and 2O swine ; now 5 beasts, and 33 swine, and i colt (pullus), and 44 sheep, and 8 goats. It was then worth 50 shillings ; now 60. HONDRET OF HlDINGFORDA [HlNCKFORD] MAPLEDESTEDA [(Great) Maplestead], which was held by Ulwin', a free man, as a manor and as half a hide in King Edward's time, is held of R[obert] by Ilger'. 4 Then as now (semper) 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 3 ploughs belonging to the men, and 5 villeins. Then and afterwards 2 bordars ; now 6. 1 A manor in Ugley.

  • i.e. the manor of Hertisho-bury there.
  • i.e. the manor of Manuden Hall there.
  • See note 5 below.

Then and afterwards 4 serfs ; now 2. Then wood(land) for 100 swine ; now for 60. (There are) 26 acres of meadow. Then I rouncey (rundnus), and 8 beasts (animalia), and 10 swine, and 20 sheep, and 20 goats ; now i rouncey, and 14 beasts, and 18 swine, and 80 sheep, and 23 goats, and 2 hives of bees. It is worth 60 shillings. HUNDRET OF L.AXEDANA [LfiXDEN] WIDEMONDEFORT [Wormingford], which was held by Goduin* as a manor and as i^ hides and 10 acres, is held of R[obert] by Ilger'. 5 Then 3 villeins ; now 4. Then 2 bordars ; now 8. Then as now (semper) 4 serfs. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne ; now 4. Then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men. (There is) wood(land) for 100 swine, 16 acres of meadow, (and) now I mill. (There is) i fishery. 6 Then i rouncey (rundnus) ; now 6. Then 5 beasts (animalia) ; now 33- Then 40 swine ; now 60. Then 6 sheep; now 2OO. Then 15 goats; now 47. (There are) now 7 hives of bees. It was then worth 4 pounds ; now 6. And in King Edward's time (there were) 19 sokemen holding 2^ hides less 6 acres, whom Robert has by exchange (in sue escangio), as he says, (and) who are held of him by the same Ilger' ; and they have 8 bordars ; 2 ploughs (are there) now as then (semper) ; (there are) 4 acres of meadow, (with) wood(land) for 16 swine ; it is worth now as then (semper) 40 shillings ; and these sokemen, as the county (court) testifies, could not withdraw them- selves (removere) from that manor. And I villein, of whom Robert was seised, was taken away by Reimund' Girald', 7 and Roger of Poitou has (him) still. 8 WIVNHOU [Wivenhoe *], which Alvric held as a manor and as 5 hides less 1 5 acres, is held of R[obert] by Nigel. Then as now (semper) 5 villeins. Then 6 bordars ; now 2O. Then I serf ; now 2. Then as now (semper) 6 It can be shown that Ilger was succeeded in this as in the preceding manor by the family of de Windsor as under-tenants (see The Ancestor, i. IS). 6 This is far away from the other fisheries in the county. 7 Predecessor of Roger of Poitou (see p. 432, note 8, above). 8 Roger held the adjoining manors of Mount Bures and West Bergholt. ' Which forms a detached portion of Lexden Hundred. 517