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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS 60 swine, (and) 25 acres of meadow ; l (this) is worth now as then (strn/xr) 4 pounds. PERENDUNA [(Great ?) Parndon *], which was held by Alsi bolla, a free man, as a manor and as 2 hides in King Edward's time, is held of R[anulf] by Roger. 3 Then i plough on the demesne ; now i. Then I villein ; now 5 bordars. Then as now (semper) I serf. (There is) wood(land) for 140 swine, (and) 18 acres of meadow. Then 12 beasts ; now 8. (There are) 34 swine, (and) 80 sheep. It was then worth 30 shil- lings ; now 40. PERENDUNA [(Great ?) Parndon 4 ], which was held by Alveva, a free woman, as a manor and as half a hide, is held of Rfanulf] by Alvred'. Then as now (temper) half a plough, and i bordar. (There is) wood(land) for 30 swine, (and) 5 acres of meadow. It is worth 1 1 shillings. In PERENDUNA [(Great ?) Parndon 4 ] Roger* holds of R[anulf] 35 acres, which were held by Turstin, a free man, in King Edward's time. Then as now (semper) half a plough. (There is) woodland for 2O swine, (and) 2 acres of meadow. It is worth 6 shillings. WALDA [ ], which was held by Goduin', a free man, as a manor and as half a hide and 15 acres, is held of Rfanulf] by Richard. Then as now (semper) i plough on the demesne, and i plough belonging to the men. Then i villein ; now 2. Then as fo. Bob now (semper) i bordar. Then 2 serfs ; now I. (There is) wood(land) for 200 swine, (and) 2 acres of meadow. Then 20 swine ; now 60. (There are) 17 beasts (anima/ia), 65 sheep, and 3 rounceys (runcini). It was then worth 20 shillings ; now 30. In NASINGA [Nazing 8 ] Odo holds of R[anulf] i hide ; and (there are) I villein, and 4 bordars, and i plough ; and it is worth 2O shillings. HUNDRET OF WALTHAM NASINGA [Nazing] and EPINGA [Epping] 1 See p. 538, note 5, above. 1 There seems to have been no manor in Little Parndon but that of Peter de Valognes. 3 Roger was the name of Peter's tenant at Little Parndon.

  • See note 2 above.

8 See p. 536, note 6, above for this difficult manor. 8 All Nazing u in Waltham Hundred. were held by 2 free men as a manor (Afan') and as 4^ hides less 1 5 acres in King Edward's time. 7 Then 3 ploughs on the demesne ; now 2. Then as now (semper) 3 ploughs belong- ing to the men. Then 1 1 villeins ; now 7. (There are) now 9 bordars. Then 3 serfs ; now none. (There is) wood(land) for 100 swine, 54 acres of meadow, (and) pasture worth (de) 32 pence. Then (there was) i mill ; now none. Then 7 beasts (animalia) and 30 swine ; now 2 beasts and 18 swine, that is (to say), in NASINGA [Nazing], and in EPPINGES 2 beasts, and 26 sheep, and 6 swine. They are worth now as then (semper) 4 pounds, (that is) NASINGA 60 shillings, and EPPING' 20 shillings. And, in addition to this, there has been added to this estate (terra) i hide which was held by a free man in King Edward's time, and still is ; then i plough (was there) ; now a half; then 2 bordars ; now 3 ; (there is) wood(land) for 2O swine, (and) 12 acres of meadow; it was then worth 10 shillings ; now 20. And there is further i virgate which has been added in King William's time, and (which) used to belong to Waltham in King Edward's time and was taken from it by R[anulf] brother of Ilger, as the Hundret (court) testifies ; and (it) is worth 3 shillings. 8 All this is held by R[anulf] in demesne. HUNDRET OF ROCHEFORT [ROCHFORD] THORP, 9 which was held by Inguar* ' as a manor and as 2, hides in King Edward's time, is held of R[anulf] by Odo. Then as now (semper) 4 villeins, and 4 bordars, and 4 serfs, and 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 3 ploughs belonging to the men. (There is) wood(land) for 60 swine, (and) pasture for 100 sheep. Then 2 beasts (animalia), and 2 rounceys (runcini), and 100 sheep, and 30 swine ; now 2 beasts, and i rouncey, and 100 sheep, and 7 swine, and 1 8 goats, and 4 hives of bees. Then and afterwards it was worth 4 pounds ; now 6. HUNDRET OF HIDINGFORDA [HINCKFORD] BRIDEBROC [Birdbrook], which was held by I free man as a manor and as 2 hides in King 7 Their tenure in 1086 is given at the end of the entry. 8 Under Waltham (fief of the Bishop of Dur- ham) it is recorded that this Ranulf had abstracted 30 acres of land and 4 of meadow, which is the virgate ' of the text. 9 A manor in Southchurth, now represented by Thorpchall farm. 10 See Introduction, p. 352. 539