Page:VCH Hertfordshire 1.djvu/215

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SPIDERS 57. Agelena labyrinthica (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.)- Abundant, forming large sheet-like webs on the herbage, with a funnel-shaped tubular retreat. 58. Hahnia elegans (Blackwall). Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Not uncommon amongst the roots of aquatic plants and riverside herbage. Known also as Agelena elegans, Blackwall. ARGIOPID.E The spiders included in this family have eight eyes, situated in two rows, the lateral eyes of both rows being usually adjacent, if not in actual contact, while the central eyes form a quadrangle. The tarsal claws are three, often with other supernumerary claws. The web is either an orbicular snare, as in the case of the ' common garden spider,' or consists of a sheet of webbing, beneath which the spider hangs and captures its prey as it falls upon the sheet. This immense family includes those usually separated under the names Epeiridee and Linyphiida. 59. Hahnia montana (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Not uncommon. Known also as Agelena montana, Blackwall. 60. Hahnia helveola, Simon. Box Wood (F. M. C.). A single female only has been taken, though it is not uncommon in other southern coun- ties. 6 1 . Nesticus cellulanus (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). A single specimen only. Known also as Linyphia crypticolens, Blackwall. 62. Meta segmentata (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Very abundant. Known also as Epeira inclinata, Blackwall. 63. Meta meriante (Scopoli). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Not uncommon. Known also as Epeira antriada, Blackwall, and a striking variety as E. celata y Blackwall. 64. Meta menardi (Latreille). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Rare ; usually found in caves, cellars and dark cavernous situations. Known also as Epeira fusca, Blackwall. 65. Tetragnatha extensa (Linnaeus). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Most abundant and generally distributed. 66. Tetragnatha solandri (Scopoli). Lea Valley (F. P. S.). 67. Pachygnatha clerckii, Sundevall. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Generally distributed throughout the county. 68. Pachygnatha degeerii, Sundevall. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Common and generally distributed. 69. Pachygnatha listeri, Sundevall. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Much rarer than the other two species above. 70. Cyclosa conica (Pallas). Lea Valley (F. M. C. and F. P. S.). A few specimens only have been taken. Known also as Epeira conica, Blackwall. 71. Zilla x - notata (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Very common. Known also as Epeira similis, Blackwall. 72. Zilla atrica, C. L. Koch. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Almost as common as the above. Known also as Epeira callophylla, Blackwall. 73. Araneus cucurbitinus, Clerck. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Common and generally distributed. 74. Araneus diadematus, Clerck. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Abundant and generally distributed. 75. Araneus cornutus, Clerck. Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Common. Known also as Epeira apoclisa, Blackwall. 76. Araneus sclopetarius, Clerck. Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Common. Known also as Epeira sericata, Blackwall. 77. Araneus marmoreus, Clerck. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also as Epeira pyramidata, C. L. Koch, and E. scalaris, Walckenaer. 78. Araneus umbra ticus, Clerck. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Common and generally distributed. 175