Page:VCH Hertfordshire 1.djvu/376

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A HISTORY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Count i hide. There is land for 3 ploughs. One plough is there, and there could be 2 others. There are 6 cottars. It is and was worth 20 shillings ; T.R.E. 60 shillings. This land Turbern, one of Eddeva's men, held and could sell. IN EDWINESTREU [EDWINSTREE] HUNDRET In WACHELEI [Wakeley (Farm)] 1 Ralf holds of the Count 40 acres of land. There is land for i plough. One sokeman is there and one serf. Meadow is there sufficient for 2 oxen. It is and was worth 10 shillings ; T.R.E. 20 shillings. This manor was held by Eddeva the fair. In LANGEPORT [ ] Roger holds of the Count a half-hide. There is land for half a plough, and this is there, with i cottar and 2 serfs. It is worth 10 shillings; when re- ceived it was 5 shillings ; T.R.E. 13 shillings. This land Alric, a man of archbishop Stigand, held and could sell. IN HERFORT [HERTFORD] HUNDRET The Count himself holds CESTREHUNT [Cheshunt]. It is assessed at 20 hides. There is land for 33 ploughs. 8 In the demesne are 10 hides, and on it there are 4 ploughs, and there could be 2 more. There 41 villeins and (cum) a priest and 12 bordars have 17 ploughs, and 10 chapmen (menatores) pay 10 shillings of dues. There are 8 cottars and 6 serfs, and i mill worth 10 shillings. From the weir (is received) 1 6 pence. Meadow is there sufficient for 23 plough teams and for the horses of the demesne, pasture sufficient for the live stock, and woodland to feed 1,200 swine and worth (besides) 40 pence. The Count himself holds HODESDONE [Hod- desdon]. It is assessed at 2 hides and 3 vir- gates. It is a berewick of Cestrehont [Ches- hunt]. There is land for 4 ploughs. In the demesne there are 2 hides, and on it are 2 ploughs, and 2 villeins and (cum) 8 bordars have 2 ploughs. There is i serf. Meadow is there sufficient for 4 plough teams, pasture sufficient for the live stock, and woodland to feed 260 swine. From the weir (come) loo eels. The total value of this manor and its berewick 8 is 24 pounds ; when received it 1 Had a church of its own and was subsequently extra-parochial. 8 So in MS. But the details of the plough teams and the entry of the meadow-land show that 'xxxiii.' should be 'xxiii.' (J.H.R.). 3 i.e. Cheshunt with Hoddesdon (J.H.R.). was 22 pounds ; T.R.E. 30 pounds. This manor Eddeva the fair held. There was and is still i sokeman there holding a half-hide which he could sell T.R.E. Wimund holds WERMELAI [Wormley] of the Count. It is assessed at I hide and a half. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne is I, and 6 bordars and (cum) i cottar have I plough between them. Meadow is there sufficient for 2 plough teams, pasture sufficient for the live stock, woodland to feed 150 swine. From the half of a weir (come) 50 eels. It is and was worth 40 shillings ; T.R.E. 60 shillings. This manor Alsi, one of Eddeva's men, held, and he could sell. This land belongs to (jacet in) Cestrehont [Ches- hunt]. In BELINGEHOU [Bengeo] the Count holds i virgate. There is land for half a plough, and meadow for 2 oxen. It has always been worth 5 shillings. This land Snerri, one of the men of Eddeva the fair, held and could sell. XVII. THE LAND OF COUNT EUSTACE 4 Count Eustace holds TREUNGA [Tring]. 8 It was assessed at 39 hides T.R.E., and now (is assessed) at 5 hides and i virgate. There is land for 20 ploughs. In the demesne are 12 hides. There are 3 ploughs on it, and there could be 2 more. There 21 villeins and (cum) 6 bordars and 16 cottars and 3 sokemen have 9 ploughs between them, and there could be 6 more. There are 8 serfs, and 2 mills worth (de) 9 shillings. Meadow is there suffi- cient for 10 plough teams, pasture sufficient for the live stock of the vill and (worth) 3 shillings (besides), and woodland to feed 1,000 swine. In this vill is a berewick where are settled (sedeni) 8 villeins having 2 ploughs, and there could be a third. Its total value is 22 pounds of ' white pennies ' weighed by the Count (ad pensum hujus comitis) 6 ; when received it was worth 20 pounds; T.R.E. 25 pounds. This manor Engelric held T.R.E., and there were there 2 sokemen, men of Osulf son of Frane, who held 2 hides and could sell ; these sokemen were attached to this manor by Engelric himself after king William came so the men of the hun- dred testify. One of the men of the abbot of Ramesyg [Ramsey] held 5 hides of this manor 4 The count of Boulogne (J.H.R.). B Now in Dacorum Hundred. 6 i.e. silver pennies assayed by fire and weighed by the Count's own standard (J.H.R.). 320