Page:VCH Leicestershire 1.djvu/116

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A HISTORY OF LEICESTERSHIRE CURCULIONIDAE (continued) Ceuthorhynchus marginatus, Pk. c. urticae, Boh. Gumley rugulosus, Hbst. Bradgate - melanostictus, Marsh. Leicester district, v.r. asperifoliarum, Gyll. Bradgate. r. chrysanthemi, Germ. c. litura, F. Loughborough, Gumley Ceuthorhynchidius floralis, Pk. c. pyrrhorhynchus, Marsh, c. melanarius, Steph. Gumley horridus, F. Gumley troglodytes, F. c Amalus haemorrhous, Hbst. Gumley Rhinonchus gramineus, F. Soar Valley, r. - perpendicularis, Reich. Damp meadows, n.r. castor, F. Bradgate Litodactylus leucogaster, Marsh. Gnby Pool, Buddon Phytobius comari, Hbst. Aylestone - 4-tubercuIatus, F. Woodhouse - canaliculatus, Fahr. Thornton, Gumley Limnobaris t-album, L. Woods and meadows, n.c. Baris laticollis, Marsh. Gumley - picicornis, Marsh. Aylestone - lepidii, Germ. Gumley Balaninus venosus, Grav. In floods April 1843 (Plant) is our only note of this species nucum, L. c. On hazels in woods - villosus, F. Sheet Hedges, Buddon, Sutton Amblen Woods Calandra granaria, L. Flour mills, Leicester - oryzae, L. Flour mills, Leicester Stcreocorynes truncorum, Germ. Gumley Magdalis armigera, Fourc. Leicester district on elms. n.c. - cerasi, L. Buddon, Sheet Hedges, r. - pruni, L. On blackthorn, n.r. barbicornis, Lat. Gumley SCOLYTIDAE Scolytus destructor, c. in elms pruni, Ratz. Gumley intricatus, Ratz. Gumley rugulosus, Ratz. Gumley multistriatus, Marsh. Qwston, Leicester Frith, Gumley SCOLYTIDAE (continued) Hylastes ater, Pk. c. in oak. cunicularius, Er. Near Gumley, once (Matthews) angustatus, Hbst. Gumley Hylastinus obscurus, Marsh, n.c. Hylesinus crenatus, F. Ash. n.c. oleiperda, F. Gumley vittatus, F. Gumley Myelophilus piniperda, L. c. in pines Cissophagus hederae, Schm. Leicester Frith Xylechinus pilosus, Ratz. Leicestershire Phloeophthorus rhododactylus, Marsh. Gumley Cryphalus abietis, Ratz. Gumley, out of Scotch fir the first British specimens (Matthews) Pityophthorus pubescens, Marsh. Gumley Xylocleptes bispinus, Duft. Gumley Dryocaetes villosus, F. Bradgate, Gumley, Bardon Pityogenes chalcographus, L. Gumley bidentatus, Hbst. Buddon, Gumley Trypodendron domesticum, L. Buddon, Bardon, Qwston, in oak. c. Xyleborus dryographus, Ratz. Gumley ABNORMAL COLEOPTERA STYLOPIDAE Stylops melittae. Kirb. f in various species of An- drena no note of <$ INTRODUCED SPECIES CARABIDAE Carabus auratus. Swithland, probably introduced with plants (W. Moss) DERMESTIDAE Anthrenus scrophulariae, L. Gumley (Matthews) CERAMBYCIDAE Monohammus sartor, F. Leicester sutor, L. Leicester, Aylestone tittilator, F. Leicester, a specimen in the Bates collection Serropalpus striatus, Heil. Leicester LEPIDOPTERA Butterflies and Moths For Lepidoptera the county of Leicester is hardly an ideal one, though a good many workers at various times have left on record many interesting notes. A list of the Macro Lepidoptera by Messrs. Bouskell and Headly was published in 1891 in the Transactions of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society. The Micros have not been thoroughly worked, though the Rev. Canon Cruttwell and others have done some good work in this direction. Amongst those who have studied the county distribution and contributed their notes to the writer, which are comprised in an unpublished list of the Lepidoptera compiled by him, are the late Rev. A. Matthews who worked the Market Harborough district, the late Mr. J. Weildt of Loughborough, Mr. F. R. Rowley of Exeter, the late Rev. J. H. Hind of Quorn, Mr. G. B. Dixon of Leicester, Mr. C. B. Headly, of Leicester, Mr. W. J. Kaye of Ditton Hill, Rev. G. W. Whitting- ham of Knighton, and the Rev. A. R. Birkenhead of Market Bosworth. 78