Page:VCH Leicestershire 1.djvu/127

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INSECTS TINEAE (continued) LYONETIIDAB Phyllocnistis suffusella, Zell. Kibworth Cemiostoma laburnella, Heyd. Leicester, Kibworth NEPTICULIDAK Nepticula aucupariae, Frey. borough TINEAE (continued) NEPTICULIDAE (continued') Nepticula septembrella, Sta. Market Harbonugh subimaculella, Haw. Market Harbonugh floslactella, Haw. Market Harbonugh salicis, Sta. Market Harbonugh betulicola, St. Whitiaick, Market Harbonugh Whlfuiick, Market Har- aurella, Fb. Knighton, Market Harbonugh lutella, Sta. Whitwich DIPTERA Flies The work that has been done in the diptera of Leicestershire is due to one collector, Mr. W. A. Vice, M.B., and we are indebted to him for the list of species recorded. It will be obvious to the student of Diptera that some extensive groups have not been worked at all ; it will also be apparent from the localities given that only comparatively few areas have been collected from. Blaby may be taken as typical of the large area of the county, whereas Bradgate Park, Bardon Hill, and Owston Wood have each characteristics of their own, and have produced species which are apparently very local in the county, and would certainly repay more continuous and diligent work. ORTHORRHAPHA NEMATOCERA BlBIONIDAE Scatopse notata, L. Blaby Dilophus febrilis, L. Wigston, Blaby albipennis, Mg. Bradgate Park, Blaby Biblio marci, L. Swithland, Blaby - leucopterus, Mg. Crofston, Blaby hortulanus, L. Blaby ferruginatus, Gmel. Blaby, Anstey Lane nigriventris, Hel. Longcliffe, Blaby laniger, Mg. Bradgate Park, Bardon Hill, Blaby johannis, L. Blaby lacteipennis, Ztt. Longcliffe, Blaby SlMULIDAE Simulium reptans, L. Blaby PTYCHOPTERIDAE Ptychoptera contaminata, L. Great Glen, Braunstone lacustris, Mg. Narborough albimana, Fb. Blaby LIMNOBIDAE Anisomera aequalis, Mg. Braunstone TlPULIDAE Pachyrrhina crocata, L. Longcliffe maculosa, Mg. Longclife, Blaby Tipula longicomis, Scr. Buddon Wood lunata, L. Blaby gigantea, Schrk. An:tey Lane, Bradgate Park oleracea, L. Blaby lutescens, Fb. Blaby ochracea, Mg. Blaby Dictenidia bimaculata, L. Blaby RHYPIDAE Rhyphus fenestralis, Scop. Blaby I ORTHORRHAPHA (continued) BRACHTCERA STRATIOMYIDAE Stratiomys chamaelcon, L. Oicston Wood Sargus cuprarius, L. Owston Wood, Narborough infuscatus, Mg. Blaby, Owston Wood, Bardon Hill Chloromyia formosa, Scop. Blaby, Bradgate Microchrysa polita, L. Anstey, Buddon Wood, Blaby flavicornis, Mg. 'Narborough, Blaby Beris clavipes, L. Blaby vallata, Forst. Bradgate Park, 'Narborough, Blaby chalybeata, Forst. Longcliffe, Bradgate Park, Blaby TABANIDAE Haematopota pluvialis, L. Saddington, Owston Wood, Bradgate Park, Blaby Tabanus bromius, L. Longcliffe Chrysops caecutiens, L. Buddon, Owston Wood, Blaby relictus, Mg. Saddington. LEPTIDAK Leptis scolopacea, L. Owston Wood, Bradgate Park, Blaby notata, Gurtl. Crofston tringaria, L. Blaby, Cropston lineola, Fb. Bradgate Park, 'Narborough Chrysopilus auratus, Fb. (synaureus, Mg.). Blaby, Owston Wood, Bradgate Park ASILIDAE Leptogaster cylindrica, DeG. Market Bosworth, Blaby Dioctria rufipes, DeG. John o' Gaunt, Blaby linearis, Fb. Market Bosworth Epitriptus cingulatus, F. Bradgate Park Dysmachus trigonus, Mg. Blaby 89 12