Page:VCH Leicestershire 1.djvu/24

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Exch. of Pleas, Plea R. Exch. of Receipt . Exch. Spec. Com. . Feet of F. . . . Feed. Accts. (Ct. of Wards) Feod. Surv. (Ct. of Wards) Feud. Aids . . . fol Foreign R. . . . Forest Proc. . . Gaz Gen Geo Glouc Guild Certif. (Chan.) Ric. II. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS Exchequer of Pleas, Plea Roll Exchequer of Receipt Exchequer Special Commis- sions Feet of Fines Feodaries Accounts (Court of Wards) Feodaries Surveys (Court of Wards) Feudal Aids Folio Foreign Rolls Forest Proceedings Gazette or Gazetteer Genealogical, Genealogica, etc. George Gloucestershire or Gloucester Guild Certificates (Chancery) Richard II. Memo. R. . - . Mich Midd Mins. Accts. . . Misc. Bks. (Exch. K.R., Exch. T.R. or Aug. Off.) Mon. Monm. . . Mun. Mus. . . N. and Q. . Norf. . . Northampt. Northants . Northumb. . Norw. . Nott. . . N.S. Memoranda Rolls Michaelmas Term Middlesex Ministers' Accounts Miscellaneous Books (Ex- chequer King's Remem- brancer, Exchequer Trea- sury of Receipt or Aug- mentation Office) Monastery, Monasticon Monmouth Muniments or Munimenta Museum Notes and Queries Norfolk Northampton Northamptonshire Northumberland Norwich Nottinghamshire or Notting- ham New Style Hants . . . Harl. . . . Hen. . . . Hcrcf. . . . Hertf. . . . Herts . . . Hil Hist. . . . Hist. MSS. Com. Hoip. Hund. R. . . Hunt. . . . Hunts . . . Inq. a.q.d. . Inq. p.m. Inst Invent. . 'P.' Itin. . . . Jas. . . . Journ. . Lamb. Lib. Lane. L. and P. VIII. Lansd. Ld. Rev. Rec. Leic. . . Le Neve's Ind. Lib. . . . Lich. . . Line. . . Lond. Hen. m. Mem. Hampshire Harlcy or Harleian Henry Herefordshire or Hereford Hertford Hertfordshire Hilary Term History, Historical,Historian, Historia, etc. Historical MSS. Commission Hospital Hundred Rolls Huntingdon Huntingdonshire Inquisitions ad quod damnum Inquisitions post mortem Institute or Institution Inventory or Inventories Ipswich Itinerary James Journal Lambeth Library Lancashire or Lancaster Letters and Papers, Hen. VIII. Lansdowne Land Revenue Records Leicestershire or Leicester Le Neve's Indices Library Lichfield Lincolnshire or Lincoln London Membrane Memorials Off. . . Orig. R. O.S. . . Oxf. . Palmer's Ind. . Pal. of Chest. . Pal. of Dur. . Pal. of Lane. . Par Parl Parl. R. . . . Parl. Surv. . . Partic. for Gts. Pat P.C.C. Pet Peterb Phil Pipe R Plea R Pop. Ret. . . . Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com.) P.R.O Proc Proc. Soc. Antiq. . Pt Pub. . R Rec. . . . Recov. R. . . Rentals and Surv. Rep Rev Ric. . Office Originalia Rolls Ordnance Survey Oxfordshire or Oxford Page Palmer's Indices Palatinate of Chester Palatinate of Durham Palatinate of Lancaster Parish, parochial, etc. Parliament or Parliamentary Parliament Rolls Parliamentary Surveys Particulars for Grants Patent Roll or Letters Patent Prerogative Court of Canter- bury Petition Peterborough Philip Pipe Roll Plea Rolls Population Returns Pope Nicholas' Taxation (Re- cord Commission) Public Record Office Proceedings Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries Part Publications Roll Records Recovery Rolls Rentals and Surveys Report Review Richard xx