Page:VCH Leicestershire 1.djvu/426

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A HISTORY OF LEICESTERSHIRE In the same place Roger de Mowbray 1 5 bo- vates." 7 In WITTOK [Withcote] Walter de Beauchamp I carucate and a half. 158 In GILLETHORP [ ] Roger de Mowbray 3 carucates. 169 In BURG [Burrough on the Hill] the same, I carucate. 160 In NEUBOLD [Newbold Folville] Robert de Ferrers I carucate and a half. 161 HUNDRED OF EASTWELL In the same vill Robert de Ferrers 2 caru- cates. 162 In the same place Roger de Mowbray 6 carucates. 163 Robert de Insula 4 carucates. 164 In AITONA [Eaton] the same Robert 3 caru- cates and 2 bovates. Also half a carucate and half a bovate belonging to (de) Belvoir. In the same place Robert de Insula 8 carucates and 3 bovates and a half. 165 In BRANTESTON [Branston] the bishop of Lincoln 7 carucates and a half. 166 Robert de Insula 4 carucates and a half. 167 HUNDRED OF MELTON MOWBRAY In the same vill Roger de Mowbray 1 5 caru- cates. 168 In BURTON [Burton Lazars] the same, 1 1 caru- cates and 7 bovates. 169 Also 3 carucates belong- 157 See above, note 1 54. 118 Held by Robert Dispensator in 1086. 159 See above, note 1 54. ' Held in 1086 by Geoffrey de Wirce, as sokeland appurtenant to Pickwell. 161 If the present survey can be trusted, Newbold was assessed at 4^ carucates which were divided equally between Gosecote, Gartree, and Framland Wapentakes (see above, notes 22 and 58). Domesday assigns 3 caru- cates there to Henry de Ferrers without specifying the wapentakes in which they lay, so that it is impossible to tell whether the present I ^ carucates are represented among the Domesday 3 carucates, or not. 162 Not entered by name in Domesday, but possibly included in the figure given for Stapleford. 163 Held by Geoffrey de Wirce in 1086. 164 Probably representing part of the 5j carucates held of the king by Aschil in 1086. 55 This important vill is entirely omitted from the Domesday Survey, in which it should have been entered among the lands of Robert de Todeni. It is possible, however, that part of Eaton may be included in the 5j carucates assigned by Domesday to 'Aschil' in Eastwell. In the Chartulary of Croxton Abbey it is stated that Eaton and Branston (see below) were assessed at 1 2 carucates each. (Belvoir MSS. Hist. AfSS. Com. Ref>. iv, 176.) 166 As in Domesday. 16r Omitted in Domesday. 68 For the impossible assessment assigned to Melton Mowbray by Domesday see above, Introd. p. 295. 169 Held by Geoffrey de Wirce in 1 086 as sokeland of Melton Mowbray. ing to (de) the honour of Blyth. 170 Robert de Ferrers 9 bovates. 1 ' 1 In FREDEBIA [Freeby] 9 carucates and 2 bo- vates and a half. 172 HUNDRED OF KIRBY BELLARS In the same vill Roger de Mowbray 24 caru- cates. 173 In CHETELBIA [Eye Kettleby] the same, 9 carucates. 174 In SIXTENEBIA [Sysonby] 4 carucates and a half belonging to the same fee. 176 In the same place King David 4 carucates and a half. 176

In ALEBIA [Welby] 9 carucates belonging to the fee of Roger (de Mowbray). In the same place King David 3 carucates. HUNDRED OF NETHER BROUGHTON (' DROCTONA ') In the same vill the count of Mortain 12 ca- rucates. 177 In THORP [Thorpe Arnold] the earl of Leicester 12 carucates. 178 In BRANTINGBIA [Brentingby] 6 carucates belonging to the same fee. 179 In RINGOLFESTORP [Goldsmith's Grange] 2 carucates and 2 bovates belonging to the same 170 Held by Roger de Busli in 1086. 171 Held by Henry de Ferrers in 1086. 172 Representing the 10 carucates assigned by Domesday to Geoffrey de Wirce in Freeby. 173 Held by Geoffrey de Wirce in 1086. 174 This is the ' Chitebie ' of Domesday which was held as 8 carucates by Geoffrey de Wirce. 175 Held by Geoffrey de Wirce in 1086. 176 The details which follow are given differently by Domesday, but the total assessment of Welby and Sysonby (21 carucates) is the same as in the present survey. Thus the Countess Judith's portion of these vills consisted of half a carucate in Sysonby and 8| carucates in Welby as against 7^ carucates assigned here to her descendant King David. Geoffrey de Wirce in 1086 held 7! carucates as against 9 caru- cates now in the possession of Roger de Mowbray in Welby. It seems evident that ij carucates must have been transferred from the Countess Judith to Geoffrey de Wirce or his successors, and in the de- scription of the countess's land we find a distinct estate of ij- carucates which was held of her by a certain Godwin, and probably represents the holding in question. 177 The king's in Domesday. All the crown lands, in Framland wapentake had been given by Henry I to his nephew Stephen, count of Mortain. 178 Domesday assigns 1 8 carucates in Thorpe Arnold to Hugh de Grentemaisnil, a sum which represents the present 12 carucates and also the 6 carucatei entered under Brentingby below. The latter vill does not appear by name in Domesday. 179 See above, note 178. 352