Page:VCH London 1.djvu/582

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A HISTORY OF LONDON continued to hold office.""" When Elizabeth succeeded provision was made for the payment of the master, four priests, and the clerk, as in the last year of Edward VI, but how long the staff of priests was maintained it is difficult to say. There are no further references to them, though they seem to have been there in Stow's time.'5'= I25I, Robert Turvile, occurs 1277,^" I28s-6,i^«and 1289^^' Guy de Foresta, occurs 1290,"* 1293,"' and 1294"" James de Molay, occurs 1297 "^ Brian le Jay, occurs 1298,^'^ died 1298 "^ William de la More, occurs 1298,"* and at the suppression Masters of the Temple Richard de Hastyngs, 1160 ^^^ Richard Mallebeench "^ Geoffrey son of Stephen, occurs 1 1 80 ^*' and 1 1 85 "3 William de Newenham ^** Thomas Berard, occurs 1200^" Aymeric de St. Maur, occurs 1200,"° 1205, and 1 2 16.1*' He died abroad "^ Alan Marcell, occurs 1220"' and 1228 "" Amberaldus, occurs 1229"^ Robert Mounford, occurs 1234 (?) "^ Robert Saunforde, occurs 1231, 1232,'" 1234,"* 1239-40,^" and 1247 "^ Rocelin de Fosse, occurs 1 250-1,"' 1253 ^^* Amadeus de Morestello, occurs 1254,"^ and 1258-9 ^«' Imbert Peraut, occurs 1267 '" and 1269 "' William de Beaulieu, occurs 1274^^ """ Inderwick, op. cit. i, p. xlvi. " Ibid, i, p. xlix ; Stow, Surv. (ed. Strype), iii, 272. '" Addison, op. cit. 277. "' Ibid. '" Cott. Nero, E. vi, fol. 466. '" Dugdale, Mon. AngJ. vi, 821. '" Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. Lend. B. Box i. This document, a grant of land by Castle Baynard to Ralph the goldsmith, is undated, but it seems probable that it is later than a grant made by Geoffrey Fitz Stephen (ibid. Lend. D.), where William de 'Niwe- ham ' occurs as a brother of the Temple. '" Cott. MS. Nero, E. vi, fol. 466. "' Hardy, Rot. de Liberate (Rec. Com.), 8. '" Rot. Lit. Claus. (Rec. Com.), i, -jb, 286. '*' See letter of Andrew de Celer announcing his death to Hubert de Burgh, Dep. Keeper^: Rep. iv, App. ii, I 56. '*' Rot. Lit. Claus. (Rec. Com.), i, 415. '5° Cott. MS. Nero, E. vi, fol. 466. '" Ibid. '" Ibid. This date can hardly be correct, unless ' Mounford ' is a mistake for ' Saunforde.' '" Fines, ibid. fol. 65. '■'* Ibid. fol. 73. '" Hardy and Page, Cal. of Lond. and Midd. Fines, 26. "^ Cott. MS. Nero, E. vi, fol. 149*, '" Hardy and Page, op. cit. 34. '" Cott. MS. Nero, E. vi, fol. 152. ™ Ibid. fol. 466. " Hardy and Page, op. cit. 40. '*' Wilkins, Concilia, ii, 339. The dates occur in the testimony given by brothers of the Temple at the time of the suppression, and as they depend on memory they are probably not quite exact. '«» Cott. MS. Nero, E. vi, fol. 466. '"^ Rymer, Foedera (Rec. Com.), i (2), 514. Preceptors of London William de Bernewode, occurs temp. Geoffrey Fitz Stephen i" Alan, occurs 1205 ^'* and 122 1 "' Ralph de Leukeworth, occurs 1232 "' Ranulph de Bremesgrave, occurs 1272 "' Richard de Herdewyk, occurs 1294 **" John de Mohun, occurs c. 1296 ^^' Ralph de Barton, c. 1 300 '^^^ Michael de Baskervile, occurs 1303"' and 1308 18* Wardens under the Knights Hospitallers Hugh de Lichfield, occurs 1339 '*' John Almayn, occurs 1374 '*^ John Bartylby, occurs 1378-9 "*' John Burford, occurs 1 380-1 1** William Ermested, occurs 1540 and 1542 ; died 1560 !»«' '» Ibid. 450. '^ Ibid. "" Ibid. 75. '" Cal. of Pat. 1272-81, p. 208. "' Hardy and Page, op. cit. 61. "' Wilkins, op. cit. ii, 341. ■ Cal. of Pat. 1 292-1 301, p. 22. "' He became grand master of the order in 1 297. Addison, op. cit. 193. '" Wilkins, op. cit. ii, 373. '" Addison, op. cit. 197. "* Cal. of Pat. 1292-1301, p. 391. '" He is called procur.itor of the ' baillia ' of London in a grant of land made by the master, Geoffrey Fitz Stephen. Doc. of D. and C . of Westm. Lond. D. A certain William preceptor temp. William de Newenham. Guildhall MS. 122, fol. 614-15. '" TJo/. Lit. Claus. (Rec. Com.), i, SS^' i Hardy. Rot. Oblat. et Fin. (Rec. Com.), 309. '" Cal. of Pat. 1216-25, P- 3°3- '" Ibid. 1225-32, p. 490. "' Cal, Inq. p.m. (Rec. Com.), i, 79^. He also appears to have been preceptor both before and after this date, as he witnesses grants by Imbert de Peraut and Guy de Foresta, masters of the Temple. Cott. MS. Nero, E. vi, fol. 301. '" CaL of Pat. 1 292-1 301, p. 88. '*' Dep. Keeper's Rep. vii, App. ii, 252. Some time between 1292 and 1302. '" Wilkins, Concilia, ii, 337, 346. He was pre- ceptor for two years between 1 298 and 1 303. '« Ibid. 346. '^ L.T.R. Enr. Accts. 18, rot. 7. '" Cott. MS. Nero, E. vi, fol. 26^. '" Sharpe, Cal of Letter Bk. G. 322. "*" Inderwick, op. cit. i, p. xxi. "^ Ibid. '^ Ibid, i, pp. xliii, xliv, xlix. 490