Page:VCH London 1.djvu/608

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A HISTORY OF LONDON number of names^ appended to the deed of surrender, 12 November, 1538 ; for in December, 1350, before the priory had had time to recover from the ravages of the Great Pestilence, there had been eleven besides the prior and sub-prior,^ but the convent at the Dissolution had dwindled to six. Raphael or Ralph Turner,^ who heads the list, and was granted an annual pension of five marks for the term of his life,^' was not the prior, so that the house appears to have been without a head at this time. The possessions of the priory, valued at

^52 13^. 4(/.*^ per annum, included the chapel

of ' Chockesmythes ' with a messuage and garden adjoining and lands and wood in ' Wellutham ' Magna, ' Wellutham ' ^' Parva, and Bradfield Combusta, co. Suffolk,^' the site of the late priory of Barham,^' co. Camb., and tenements in St. Olave's Hart Street,'** St. Dunstan's in the East, Allhallows Dowgate, Allhallows Barking, and St. Botolph's without Aldgate.'- The plate of the house, forty-one ounces in parcel gilt, seems a very small quantity, but that stolen'* a few years before may never have been recovered, and some had certainly been pawned " or sold during the last period of the priory's existence. A seal of 1350 " bears a cross pattee between two crescents and two stars of six points within a carved gothic quatrefoil. Legend : — SIGILL COMVNE . DOMVS STE CRUCIS LONDON. A seal of the sixteenth century ^ represents Our Lord on the Cross, surrounded by the eleven disciples who kneel in adoration ; in the field the sun, moon, and stars. Legend : — S. FRATERNIT ANNO XVCXXVI FRM . CRVCIFEROR . LONDN 17. THE PIED FRIARS DE PICA OR FRIARS The London settlement of the Pied Friars is mentioned neither by Dugdale nor by Tanner, but that there was such a community seems certain, considering that it figures among other London houses receiving alms on the occasion of the second anniversary of Queen Eleanor of Castille,^' and that the king's wardrobe accounts of 1300 record a gift to these friars of 85.™ Priors of the Crossed Friars Adam,'° occurs 1298 and 13 19 " William de Charryngworth, occurs 1350 '* John Bures, occurs 1379'^ and 1391 ^^ John Lynoth, occurs 1384^' William Bowry, occurs 1512 '* and 1527 *' John Dryver, occurs 1532°* Edmund Stretam, occurs 1534^ Robert Ball, occurs 1535 *^ " L. and P. Hen. Vlll, xiii (2), 807. " Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. Lond. B. Box i. " L. and P. Hen. Vlll, xiii (2), 807, and N.* In 1527 he was sacristan. Add. Chart. 24490.

  • ' Aug. OiF. Bks. 233, fol. ^■]^b.
    • Stow, op. cit. ii, 74.
  • ' This may either be Welnetham or Waldingfield

Magna and Parva.

  • » L. and P. Hen. Vlll, xv, 436 (88).
  • ' Ibid, xv, 942 (19). Babraham (?).

•"Ibid, xvii, 1258. Ibid, xvii (i), 75, " Ibid, xix(l), 1035 (6). " Monastic jT/vwanv (Abbotsford Club), 19. '*L.andP.Hen.Vlll,,l-]% (27). "Ibid, ix, 1 168. "'Stow, op. cit. ii, 74. "Guildhall MS. 122, fol. 126.

    • Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. London, B. Box I.

" Sharpe, Cal. of Wills, ii, 213. ^ Cal. of Pat, 1388-92, p. 429. " Lond. Epis. Reg. Br.iyhrook, fol. 390. He is probably identical with Bures. '■'Land P. Hen. Vlll, viii, 161. ^ Add. Chart. 24490. " L. and P. Hen. Vlll, v, 1209. " Ibid, vli, 665.

  • ' Ibid, ix, 1092 and 1 168.

18. THE FRIARS DE ARENO A priory for friars of the order of St. Mary de Areno was founded in Westminster in 1267 by William Arnand, a knight of Henry III. It lasted just fifty years, the community coming to an end with the death of the last brother, Hugh of York, in 1317.'^ 19. THE MINORESSES WITHOUT ALDGATE The house of the Grace of the Blessed Mary was founded outside Aldgate in the parish of St. Botolph in 1293 ' by the brother of Edward I, Edmund carl of Lancaster, for inclosed nuns of the order of St. Clare.^ The first members of the convent were brought to England by the " B. M. Toph. Chart. 3 ; Doc. D. and C. of Westm. Lond. B. Box i. '^ B. M. Sloane Chart, xxxiv, 77. ^' Jrci. xxix, 179. She died 19 Edw. I. '° Liier Ouotid. Contrarotul. Garderob. 28 Edw. 1. " Cal. of Close, 1 3 1 3-1 8, p. 503. ' Or rather the foundation was then confirmed by the king, Pat. 21 Edw. I, m. 11, quoted in Dugdale, il/ra. ylngl. vi, 1553. It seems probable, however, that a slightly earlier date should be assigned, as the house is mentioned in the Taxatio of Pope NichoLis about 1291. ' As altered by Pope Urban IV. They were not Poor Clares, since they received endowments. Fly, 'Some account of an Abbey of Nuns,' Arch, xv, 93. 16