Page:VCH Norfolk 1.djvu/112

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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK 5. Bimeria vestita, T. S. Wright. Generally on other zoophytes and seaweeds. OflF Yarmouth (P.). 6. Tubularia indivisa, Linn. Common in deep water ; often found on the supports of piers and sides of pontoons in sheltered harbours. Off Cromer and Yar- mouth, 13-16 fathoms, abundant (P.). 7. Tubularia larynx. Ell. and Sol. Distributed like the preceding species, but more common in shallow water. OfFCromer, abundant (P.). 8. Clytia Johmtoni (Alder). Abundant on the stems of Tubularia in- divisa and Zoophytes. OS Cromer and Yar- mouth (P.). 9. Obe/ia gelatinosa (Pallas). On drift Fucus in Yarmouth harbour (P.). 10. Ohelia dichotoma (Linn.). Not actually recorded for Norfolk waters, but taken by the Pommerania, S.E. of Lowes- toft. It is usually attached to other zoophytes [Hydrallmania, Sertularia argentea). 1 1. Campanularia verticillata (Linn.). Abundant on the trawling grounds. Off Cromer (P.). 12. Campanularia flexuosa (Hincks). Common at various depths. Off Cromer and Yarmouth, 12-15 fathoms (P.). 13. Campanularia exigua (Sars). A small species, probably this, was found commonly on Sahellaria tubes by Dr. Harmer at Yarmouth, in July, 1899. 14. Calycella syringa (Linn.). Growing on other zoophytes. Off Cromer and Yarmouth (P.). 15. Filellum serpens (Hassall). Growing on Sertularia abietina, Hydrall- mania fakata, and other zoophytes. Off Yarmouth (P.). 16. Halecium halecinum (Linn.). Abundant in deep water, especially on gravelly grounds. Off Cromer, Hasborough and Yarmouth (P.). On Sabellaria tubes, Yarmouth (Harmer). 17. Halecium beanii, Johnst. Common on Sabellaria tubes, Yarmouth (Harmer). 18. Sertularella polyzonias (Linn.). Off Cromer, Hasborough and Yarmouth, 10-15 fathoms (P.). 19. Sertularella gayi (Lamouroux). In deep water off the coast (C. W. Peach). With the preceding species it is especially abundant on fine sandy bottoms. 20. Diphasia attenuata (Hincks). Generally on other zoophytes. Off Yar- mouth (P.). 21. Sertularia gracilis, Hassall. Recorded by Peach for the Norfolk coast as a ' delicate variety of S. pumila.^ There is no record of S. pumila for Norfolk waters, although this species is probably the commonest on our shores. Sertularia pumila is usually abundant on Fucus between tide-marks, whereas gracilis is not restricted to tidal water and is often found on the zoophyte Hydrallmania falcata as well as on algae (H.). 22. Sertularia filicula, Ell. and Sol. This species ' is of delicate, wavy habit and a somewhat bright straw-colour, and is one of the prettiest of its tribe. It is generally luxuriant in giowth and presents a complex ramification. It is cast on shore in large, tangled masses, and may be known at once by its zigzag stems, its peculiar colour, and its exquisite delicacy. The flask-shaped calycles, too, with the bent apertures, one of which stands in each axil, afford a good distinctive mark ' (Hincks). Off Norfolk (C. W. Peach). 23. Sertularia abietina, Linn. Off Cromer, Hasborough and Yarmouth, common (P.). 24. Sertularia argentea. Ell. and Sol. Off Cromer and Yarmouth, common (P.). 25. Sertularia cupressina, Linn. Off Norfolk (C. W. Peach). 26. Hydrallmania falcata (Linn.). Pithily described by Sir J. Dalyell as ' a series of feathers implanted in spiral arrange- ment around a slender stem.' One of the commonest zoophytes of our eastern waters. Off Cromer, Hasborough and Yarmouth (P.). 27. Thuiaria articulata (Pallas). Off Norfolk (C. W. Peach). 28. Antennularia antennina (Linn.). Common on sandy bottoms. Off Cromer, Hasborough and Yarmouth, abundant (P.). 29. Antennularia ramosa, Lamarck. Off Hasborough and Yarmouth, less com- mon than the preceding (P.). 30. Plumularia setacea (Ellis). Off Cromer and Yarmouth (P.). 3 1 . Plumularia echinulata, Lamarck. Taken at Runton in 1875 by Mr. Geldart. 80