Page:VCH Norfolk 1.djvu/210

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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK ARGYOPIDiE The spiders included in this family have eight eyes, situated in two rows, the lateral eyes of both rows being usually adjacent if not in actual contact, while the central eyes form a quadrangle. The tarsal claws are three, often with other supernumerary claws. The web is either an orbicular snare or consists of a sheet of webbing, beneath which the spiders hang and capture the prey as it falls upon the sheet. This immense family includes those usually sepa- rated under the names Epeirida, L'tnyphitday etc. 80. Meta segmentata (Clerck). Cromer, West Runton, Watton and Ormesby (H. W. F.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.). 81. Meta meriana (Scopoli). (O. P.-C.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Watton, Ormesby and West Runton (H. W. F.)- 82. Tetragnatha externa (Linn.). (O. P.-C.) ; West Runton and Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). 83. Tetragnatha solandri (Scopoli). Watton, West Runton, Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). 84. Tetragnatha obtusa, C. L. Koch. Ormesby Broad and West Runton (H. W. F.). This species is usually to be beaten from the lichen-covered boughs of blackthorn and willow bushes or from fir trees. 85. Pachygnatha cleriil, Sundevall. (O. P.-C.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Ormesby and Watton (H. W. F.). 86. Pachygnatha degeerii, Sundevall. (O. P.-C.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.) ; West Run- ton (H. W. F.). 87. Cyclosa conica (Pallas). Walton (H. W. F.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.). 88. Zil/a X - notaia (Clerck). (O. P.-C.) ; Cromer, Ormesby and West Runton (H. W. F.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.). 89. Zi/la atrica, C. L. Koch. Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Watton and Ormesby (H. W. F.). 90. Araneus cucurbitinus, Clerck. (O. P.-C.) ; Walton (H. W. F.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.). This and the following ten species are also known under the generic name Epeira. 91. Araneus dladematuSy Clerck. (O. P.-C.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Watton, Cromer and Ormesby (H. W. F.). 92. Araneus cornutus, Clerck. (O. P.-C.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Ormesby and Salhouse Broads (H. W. F.). Known also as Epeira apoclisa. 93. Araneus patagiatus, Clerck. Ormesby and Salhouse Broads (H. W. F.). 94. Araneus sclopetarius, Clerck. (J. Edwards) ; Norwich (F. P. S.). Known also as Epeira sericata. 95. Araneus quadratus, Clerck. West Runton (H. W. F.) ; (J. Edwards). 96. Araneus umbraticus, Clerck. (O. P.-C); Norwich (F. P. S.), Watton, West Runton and Salhouse Broad (H. W. F.). 97. Araneus redii, Scopoli. (O. P.-C). Known also as Epeira solers. 98. Araneus triguttatus, Fabricius. (O. P.-C). Known also as Epeira a galena. 99. Araneus adiantus, Walckenaer. Bungay (H. W. F.). 100. Linyphia clathrata, Sundevall. Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Watton and West Run- ton (H. W. F.). Known also 7&Neriene marginata, Blackwall. ID I. Linyphia hortensis, Sundevall. Ormesby Broid (H. W. F.). Known also as L. pratensis, Blackwall. 102. Linyphia pusil/a, Sundevall. (O. P.-C.) ; Watton (H. W. F.). Known also as L. fuHginea, Blackwall. 103. Linyphia impigra, O. P.-Cambridge. (O. P.-C.) ; Ormesby Broad (H. W. F.). Known also as L. circumcincta, O. P.-C. 104. Linyphia montana (Clerck). Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Watton, Ormesby Broad and West Runton (H. W. F.). Known also as L. marginata^ Blackwall. 105. Linyphia triangularis (Clerck). (O. P.-C.) ; Norwich (F. P. S.) ; Watton, Ormesby, Cromer and West Runton (H. W. F.). Known also as L. montana^ Blackwall. 178