Page:VCH Norfolk 1.djvu/86

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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK At Docking, in the years 1834 and 1837, the Rev. Kirby Trimmer found an Epipactis, which he identified as E. atrarubens, and of which he gives a description in his Supplement to the Flora of Norfolk (p. 57). On Ringstead Downs Gentiana Amarella still grows, and Dianthui deltoides has been reported on very good authority from Brancaster. Lathyrus montanus is included in a list of plants growing near Sandringham, published by Mr. Moxon in the Phytologht in 1843, this being the only record for that species in the whole county. It is very remarkable that a plant so widely distributed in Great Britain should be so rare here ; and perhaps equally strange that Serratula tinctoria should never have been found, and Alchemilla vulgaris but very seldom. The sea coast of this division does not differ in its vegetation from that of the north- central. From Brancaster westward to Hunstanton extend many miles of brackish or salt marshes, but with no new species. Statice Bahusiensis, Fr. = S. rarifora, Drej., which was recorded by the late Professor C. C. Babington from Holme, must be excluded from our list unless, or until, it should be found by some fresh observer, as Mr. R. H. Yapp, of the Cam- bridge University Herbarium, who has kindly examined the specimen preserved there, considers that it is very probably only a variety of S. Limonium, and specimens sent by the Rev. E. K. Kerslake (formerly Blyth) from Burnham Deepdale, as quoted in Mr. Kirby Trimmer's Flora (p. 119), differ but slightly from the type of that species. Juncus acutus is not uncommon on the Brancaster and Deepdale marshes, but a rush found at Heacham, between Hunstanton and Lynn, named by Mr. Bray Juncus balticus, is, according to a specimen in the Lynn Museum, only a dwarf and undeveloped form of y, maritimus. The fens on the western side of this division are remarkable as having been the habitat of Senecio paludosus, one of the most local and very rarest of British flowering plants. Mr. Arthur Bennett records in the Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists'" Society for 1898-99 (p. 458) the finding of this species by Mr. Marshall of Ely in Redmore Fen. This locality is only just within the county boundary to the west of the Little Ouse, where the boundary turns northward in the neighbourhood of Brandon. A curious variety, or rather state, of Carex arenaria^ C. Ugerica, having the ' female spikelets above the male,' has been found by Mr. Balding at Castle Rising, the only other known locality in Great Britain being the Scilly Islands. Veronica spicata has been published as a native in Norfolk on the authority of a specimen collected by Mr. Wardale in the Herbarium at South Kensington ; but Mr. E. G. Baker, having kindly examined it, reports that it is misnamed, being really F. officinalis, and a speci- men in the possession of Mr. Balding of Wisbeach, found by his father, long supposed to be this species, proves to be only a slightly abnormal form of V. serpyllifolia. Stellaria nemorum must also be excluded from our list, having been published as from ' Winch (Norfolk), Dawson Turner,' but Mr. Baker finds that it was really received by D. Turner from 'Winch,' the well known author of the Botanist's Guide to Northumberland. Cotyledon Umbilicus is reported by the Rev. J. H. Bloom from Castle Acre, the only record for the county ; also Pyrus torminalis, but the latter as ' planted.' Records are very scanty and much needed for the Hundred of Freebridge Marshland, This large area of 81,000 acres occupies but little space comparatively in our botanical lists. List of Species and Varieties worth noting in the Western Division Thalictrum coUinum, IVallr. Delphinium Jjacis, Reichb. Fumaria parviflora, Linn. Draba muralis, Linn. Coronopus didymus, Linn. Lepidium latifolium, Linn. L. ruderale, Linn. L. Draba, Linn. Iberis amara, Linn. Isatis tinctoria, Linn, (extinct ?) Viola hirta, Linn. Frankenia loevis, Linn. Silene Otites, Wibel. Geranium sanguineum, Linn. G. sylvaticum, Linn. Medicago minima, Desr. Trifolium squamosum, Linn. Astragalus danicus, Retx. Lathyrus sylvestris, Linn. L. montanus, Bemh. Geum intermedium, Ehr. Alchemilla vulgaris, Linn. Tilloea muscosa, Linn. Cotyledon Umbilicus, Linn. Sedum album, Linn. S. reflexum, Linn. Epilobium adnatum, Grisebach Bupleurum tenuissimum, Linn. Carum segetum. Bent, (j! Hook, f I. C. Carui, Linn. 54