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HOLDERS OF LANDS Among the whole then as now i6 villeins and 1 8 bordars and 4 serfs, and 4 ploughs belonging to the men, and 16 acres of meadow ; wood(land) for 200 swine, 30 goats ; then as now 2 rounceys and 6 beasts and 40 swine and 100 sheep and 17 hives of bees. In RisiNGA [ ^ ] 2 sokemen (with) 20 acres. Then half a plough, now I. Then and after- wards it was worth 6 pounds, now 10. ^ In Fatwella [Feltwell] 40 ^ sokemen (with) 3 ploughlands, and 40 acres, 5 ploughs and 8 acres of meadow, and (this) is worth 70 shillings. And^Simon holds'* I sokeman (with) I ploughland and 7 ^ villeins and 5 bordars and 4 serfs and I plough on the demesne, and 3 acres of meadow and I plough belonging to the men, * and it is worth 20 shillings, and I church ; this [Feltwell] Godric claims as of {ad) the fee of Ralf which lay in Stohu [Stow (Bedon ')], and thereupon i man of Godric is willing to under- take the proof by ordeal [vult portare judicium). * Over all these St. Aldreda * had the soke and all custom and commendation. And of these 7 were free with their lands, but the soke and com- mendation remained to St. Aldreda. '■* The whole was made over to W[illiam de Warenne] for the exchange. ^ In Matelwalde [Methwold] 4 freemen (with) 3 ploughlands, then as now 4 villeins and 1 bordar and 4 acres of meadow. Then 4 ploughs, afterwards and now 3. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 45. '^'Stigand (had) the soke ; and they were made over for the exchange. Simon and Walter (Gait) (hold) 2 ploughlands, 2 ploughs, and they are worth 40 shillings.^" NoRH Walde [Northwold] : 34 sokemen of St. Adeldreda, 5 ploughlands, then as now 7 ploughs, and 8 acres of meadow. Then they were worth 60 shillings, now 100. St. A[ldreda] has the soke and commendation, and all custom f. 162b. of 30 of the men only, and 4 were free. Their soke and commendation (belonged) to St. A[ld- reda]. " In MoNDEFORT '^ [Mundford] 7 sokemen ' See note (*), p. 84. ' Cf. Inj. El. (Hamilton, Inq. Com. Cant. 139). '/.£. 41. * I.E. omits. I.E. 8. «/.£. omits. 'Cf. f. iz6. M.e. Ely Abbey. ' I.E. omits. The Ely placiium {I.C.C. p. 192), states that Gerard, knight of William de Warenne, holds a ploughland in demesne in Feltwell, and William de Warenne has 45 sokemen of Ely who per- form certain services. See Introd. p. 3 I . '» I.E. omits. " In Northwold (Ely placiium, ubi supra) W. de Warenne had 33 sokemen of Ely performing similar services. " Cf. I.E. (Hamilton, p. 195). The Ely placitum (uii supra) says William had 5 sokemen of Ely performing similar services. belonging to St. A[ldreda] with all custom ; half a ploughland and i plough, and they are worth 10 shillings." This also is for the exchange. There too {in eadem) (is) I freeman of Harold's (with) half a ploughland, 2 bordars, 2 acres of meadow ; then as now half a plough ; and it is worth 10 shillings. (This also is) for the exchange.*^ In CovESTUNA [Coulston] i ploughland, I freeman of Harold's, 4 villeins, 4 bordars. Then 2 serfs, 12 acres of meadow. Then and after 2 ploughs on the demesne. A third could be (employed) ; now i, and then as now I plough belonging to the men, and 2 mills and 1 fishery, wood(land) for 15 swine ; and it is worth 8 shillings. This is for the castellany '^ of Lewes {pro castellatione aquarum). The whole is 5 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth and pays 5 pence and i halfpenny in a geld of 20 shillings. In Keburna [Ickborough] Roger holds ; 2 freemen, half a ploughland, and 6 acres and i bordar and I acre of meadow. Then as now I plough, and they are worth 3 shillings. In Santuna [Santon] 5 freemen, 2 plough- lands. Walter holds a moiety, i villein, 3 bordars. Then as now 3 ploughs, and it is worth 10 shillings. Otrinkeehia [Ottering Hythe ^'] ; i plough- land, 3 freemen, 3 bordars ; then as now 2 ploughs ; and it is worth 5 shillings. The same Walter (holds) the moiety. Wetinge'" [Weeting]; 9 freemen, 5^^ plough- lands ; Waselin and Osward 2 ploughlands, a third of the whole {de omni tercia parte), 15 vil- leins and 20 bordars and 6 serfs, 13 acres of meadow, then as now 6 ploughs. Wood(land) for 5 swine, half a fishery, and 2 ploughs belong- ing to the men ; then as now they were worth 60 shillings. Of 7 of these the commendation and soke belonged to St. Aeldreda,^'^ and of 2 the soke only. The whole is i^ leagues in breadth and pays 14 pence in geld.^' Otringheia [Ottering Hythe"] (is) 4 fur- longs in length and 3 in breadth and pays in f. 163. geld 4 pence. This all is of the castellany of Lewes {de castellatione de Lawes). Cranewisse ^* [Cranwich] , i freeman of Harold's ; then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and " I.E. omits. " Or ' rape ' of Lewes ; see Introd. p. 1 8 ». '^ Now Methwold Hithe. '« Cf. I.E. (Hamilton, p. 138). The Y-Xy placitum (ibid. p. 192) states that Gerard, a knight of W. de Warenne, had 3 ploughlands in Weeting belonging to Ely. " I.E. omits. " Cf. I.E. loc. cit. 85